Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Water Board finally Meets

The most positive development to come out of the January meeting of Oriental's Town Board is that the water board has finally been convened. See my earlier thoughts on this subject.

Commissioner Johnson is apparently determined to establish terms of reference for the water board similar to those governing other advisory boards. This will be a good thing.

I hope the water board is able to investigate where the town's missing water is going. I have known about the unexplained disappearance of water for some time. Heidi Artley told me about the problem and offered a few possible explanations, each of which calls for investigation. I'm not convinced that backwashing pipes and dumping tanks provides an adequate explanation.

With respect to dumping tanks, I was repeatedly told by the previous town manager that the water in the towers is just there for storage and is not, by design, included in the circulation. Therefore the water loses its treatment and has to be dumped after awhile. I recently learned from the County's engineer that when this happens, as in the case of the County's Kershaw Road tank, it indicates an imbalance in the system. They plan to correct the Kershaw Road problem when they install the new water tank at Arapaho. Maybe we should have a new engineer check out our system.

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