Friday, November 26, 2010

Civilization and the Discontented

I've been rummaging around in the web site of the Pew Center, hoping to become enlightened about public opinion. Instead, I came upon the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life and a very interesting conversation between Christopher Hitchens and his brother Peter on the issue of "Can Civilization Survive Without God?" Mingled in with the conversation are some illuminating observations about current world developments.

Even though the Hitchens brothers have very different views on the question, it is a very civilized conversation. Worth reading here.


Bill Chaplik said...

A very interesting read. Having also read Ayaan Hirsi Ali's "Infidel", I am beginning to see what we are up against. Perhaps in our haste to debunk Christianity, we have thrown the baby out with the bath water. Interpretations of what Jesus Christ advocated are all over the map, but when going to the original source (or as close as it is possible to get these days), one finds a determined but gentle person suggesting care for each other with particular emphasis on the poor and the sick. Hard to understand how such a message can engender violent hatred in response.

Anonymous said...

Bill & I found this conversation between the Hitchen brothers extremely thought provoking and illuminating. We look forward to sharing our in-depth thoughts regarding this this blog the next time we see you.

Anonymous said...

Ayaan Hirsi Ali's "Infidel" is definitely worth reading. Her revelations of practices that are still occurring today are very disturbing but we must be aware of such things if we are to understand the world that we live in today.