Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Captain Honors

What could Captain Honors have been thinking when he produced the now notorious sex video and broadcast it to the crew of USS Enterprise during his assignment as Executive Officer of the ship?

What could the Navy have been thinking to select him subsequently as commanding officer of Enterprise?

A ship's commanding officer, executive officer and department heads are expected to provide adult supervision. This requires a certain degree of dignity and decorum, especially in public. Captain Honors fell far short of that standard. The whole episode is reminiscent of "Tail Hook."

Admiral John C. Harvey, Jr., Commander of U.S. Fleet Forces Command, brought adult supervision to the situation by relieving Captain Honors of his command. It shouldn't have been necessary. Admiral Harvey is trained in nuclear propulsion and served on USS Enterprise as a young officer in the Rickover (no-nonsense) tradition. He also is an expert in personnel assignment policy, a former Chief of Naval Personnel, and a surface warfare officer (another no-nonsense career field).

Captain Honors crossed horns with the wrong admiral.

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