Thursday, December 13, 2012

Right To Work For Less

Those of us who have studied 20th Century history, especially the history of authoritarian or fascist dictatorships have observed a pattern. Dictators seek to control the media, control the schools and control or destroy the labor unions.

I was reminded of this during the past week as the Republican government in Michigan pressed during a lame duck session to destroy unions in Michigan. Michigan is not alone. They are now one of twenty-four states with so-called "right to work" laws.

"Right to work" as many observers have noted, really means "right to work for less." The term itself is an example of Orwellian language which means the opposite of what it seems to mean. Harold Meyerson of the Washington Post does a very good job explaining the historical background. Meyerson shows the similarity in the aim of "right to work" and efforts by the Communist leadership in China to control and benefit from the profits of improved productivity.

In our country, it isn't the government, but those who control the finance system, who have stolen the lion's share of increased productivity for themselves.

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