Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wealth Distribution In America

A friend recently shared a link to a video exploring how wealth is distributed in America. There are a lot of different ways of presenting the same information or related information. We can look at income inequality. Over time, income inequality becomes wealth inequality.

Just this week, the stock market reached a new high. That has increased the wealth of some Americans at the top of the economic scale. Meanwhile, middle-class income has stagnated for forty years.

Here is a video examining wealth.

I will look for one that reveals income inequality and post the best one I find.

Then there is the issue of economic mobility.

We're number one, right?

As it turns out, countries in Western Europe and Northern Europe have more equal distribution of wealth, greater economic mobility and even higher levels of creation of small business than does the U.S.

Not to mention less expensive health care with better outcomes.

Americans need to get out more. Visit other countries. Keep an open mind. Might learn something.

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