Monday, September 8, 2014

Oriental New Town Dock - What Might Have Been

Three years ago, the Town of Oriental submitted a grant proposal for Federal Boating Infrastructure funds to build a pier for transient recreational boats at the end of South Avenue.

The plans show six boat slips and a width on the water of 80 feet. Plenty of room for visiting boats to go around other boats to get alongside either side of the dock.

Just take a look here, download the proposal, and compare the proposal to what we have.


Al H said...

Didn't Lacy Henry have an approved CAMA permit for a dock at the same site several years earlier?

David Cox said...

Yes. Mr. Henry's plan used both the end of South Avenue at the water as well as the adjacent waterfront lot (OBIC Lot 4) owned by Mr. Henry. That permit expired when the Town won its South Avenue suit against Mr. Henry.