Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ron Paul and the Census

A couple of nights ago I saw Congressman Ron Paul of Texas declaim on TV against the current US Census. He claimed that the 2010 census, which arguably asks the fewest questions since the 1790 census, exceeds the requirements of the US Constitution.


Congressman Paul, who admittedly has some interesting ideas on a number of subjects, is a physician. Apparently he believes, like some other physicians in Congress, that this qualifies him as a Constitutional Scholar, an Economist, a Historian, an expert in International Affairs, nuclear physics and Rocket Science.

As I have pointed out before, the US Census was NEVER just a head count. For one thing, since slaves only counted three fifths of a person for purposes of apportioning seats in the House of Representatives, they had to be counted separately.

It's in the Constitution.

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