Friday, March 9, 2012

What You Don't Know Won't Hurt Us

Judging from the current primary campaigns as well as what has happened in many states when Republicans take over, the new operative slogan might be, "what YOU don't know won't hurt US" (with apologies to Paul Krugman for my blatant plagiarism).

Alternatively, "billions for defense but not one cent for public education (let the kids fend for themselves)."

Another possibility: "we don't need no stinkin'" (pick one or more)
1.  Early Childhood Education;
2.  Higher education;
3.  Research;
4.  Free highways;
5.  Facts (facts have a known liberal bias);
6.  Foreigners;
7.  Diversity;
8.  Stimulus;
9.  Economic Development ("REAL Enterpreneurs spend their OWN money");
10.Networks (except for Fox). 

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