Sources of confusion. Press reports are that Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein threatened to resign unless Trump backed off on the assertion that he fired Comey based on recommendations by Rosenstein and Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III to fire the FBI director. So what is that about, since all of the TV commentators read the Rosenstein memorandum as making such a recommendation?
According to the Washington Post, Trump had decided to fire Comey ahead of time and then called Sessions and Rosenstein to the White House on Monday May 8th and directed them to put in writing the reasons for firing Comey. They complied.
But Rosenstein, an experienced Justice Department official, DID NOT INCLUDE IN HIS MEMO A RECOMMENDATION TO FIRE COMEY!
So Rosenstein had every right to object when Trump claimed in writing that he was only following Rosenstein's recommendation. He had carefully followed the president's direction and put in writing some reasons to fire Comey but he did not make the recommendation to do so.
My reading is that Trump, unfamiliar and contemptuous of the ways of career government officials, totally missed the subtlety of Rosenstein's memo. Apparently Trump was in such a big hurry that he did not ask anyone familiar with government to review Rosenstein's memo.
Anyone with experience in government would have spotted what Rosenstein did. More evidence that Trump is not competent to govern. But we already knew that.
Showing posts with label law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label law. Show all posts
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Some Thoughts On Firing Comey
Topic Tags:
Attorney General,
Justice Department,
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Federal Judges Throw Out NC Redistricting Of House Districts - Throw March 15 Election In Turmoil
Three federal judges on Friday threw out the congressional voting maps the Republican-led General Assembly drew five years ago, ruling that congressional districts one and twelve were gerrymandered along racial lines.
The judges ordered that new maps be submitted to the court no later than February 19th and that no elections for House of Representatives are to be held until new maps are approved by the court.
It appears that action by the state will require calling the General Assembly into special session. In any event, the March 15 primary election will be disrupted, at least to a certain extent. Some absentee ballots have already been mailed to voters for the March 15 primary. It is probable that congressional district boundaries will be altered not only for the two affected districts, but also for any adjacent districts whose boundaries are changed. Boards of election will have to send out revised voter registration cards to all voters affected by revised boundaries and voting machines in affected districts will have to be reprogrammed.
It seems likely that Pamlico County's districts will not be directly affected, but there will still be some reprogramming.
This could become chaotic.
Stay tuned.
Topic Tags:
state government
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
South Avenue: An Odor Of Mendacity
For the past two years, Town Board members have complained about my suit against the Town, asserting that I should have talked to them instead of filing suit. I was taken aback.
The record shows that as early as January, 2012, soon after the public became aware of the so-called "land swap" proposal that I questioned the Town's legal authority to do what they wanted to do. I expressed my concerns in writing and in face to face conversations with the Town manager and the mayor. I urged the mayor and the Board to ask the NC Attorney General for an advisory opinion. Or, alternatively, that the Town ask the School of Government for an opinion. The mayor refused.
In May through July of 2012, at public comment periods during Town Board meetings, a number of attorneys residing in Oriental spoke, all in opposition to the proposal. At the public hearing on closing Avenue A and South Avenue, Town Attorney Scott Davis admitted that no case law told the Town how to proceed.
For the past three years, I have been trying to obtain records of the closed sessions between the Town Board and the Town Attorney concerning my law suits. The official binder of closed session minutes has now disappeared. The Town has cobbled together some records that may or may not correspond to the missing ones.
What is NOT in those records is as interesting as what is.
One interesting record is for the closed session of March 3 of this year:
In case the Board was confused about my purpose, my letter of last January 26 should have cleared it up:
The record shows that as early as January, 2012, soon after the public became aware of the so-called "land swap" proposal that I questioned the Town's legal authority to do what they wanted to do. I expressed my concerns in writing and in face to face conversations with the Town manager and the mayor. I urged the mayor and the Board to ask the NC Attorney General for an advisory opinion. Or, alternatively, that the Town ask the School of Government for an opinion. The mayor refused.
In May through July of 2012, at public comment periods during Town Board meetings, a number of attorneys residing in Oriental spoke, all in opposition to the proposal. At the public hearing on closing Avenue A and South Avenue, Town Attorney Scott Davis admitted that no case law told the Town how to proceed.
For the past three years, I have been trying to obtain records of the closed sessions between the Town Board and the Town Attorney concerning my law suits. The official binder of closed session minutes has now disappeared. The Town has cobbled together some records that may or may not correspond to the missing ones.
What is NOT in those records is as interesting as what is.
One interesting record is for the closed session of March 3 of this year:
In case the Board was confused about my purpose, my letter of last January 26 should have cleared it up:
January 26, 2015
From: David
To: Commissioners,
Town of Oriental
Subj: South
you are aware, I have filed an appeal of the Superior Court’s
recent orders dismissing my challenge of the Board’s decision to
close South Avenue.
I am
writing to explain my appeal, to assess the current status and
potential future paths for my challenge, and to describe a proposal I
am submitting to the Town’s attorneys.
I must explain that my challenge to the Board’s closure of South
Avenue is not identical to my challenge of Avenue A. If it were
identical, I would not pursue the South Avenue challenge after the
Court of Appeals decision in Avenue A, and I certainly would not
appeal the case to the same court which upheld dismissal of the
Avenue A case.
difference between the two cases is that in Avenue A I complained of
infringements on “public rights,” while in South Avenue I also
complain of infringements on my private property rights. To
understand the importance of this difference, it is helpful to look
closely at what the Court of Appeals decided in Avenue A and what it
did not decide.
Court of Appeals limited its decision to determining whether my
complaint and arguments qualified me as “a person aggrieved” as
that term is used in the appeal provision of the street closure
basic argument in the Avenue A case was that I was a “person
aggrieved” because:
1) the closure of Avenue A infringed on the rights of the public to
use the public right of way;
2) I am a member of the public; and
3) I am “aggrieved” in the dictionary meaning of the term
(“discontented”) with the closure.
Court of Appeals did not accept this argument. Instead, the Court
borrowed from cases defining the term “aggrieved parties” in
zoning cases to decide that “any person aggrieved” in the street
closure statute means:
“one who can either show an interest in the property affected, or
if the party is a nearby property owner, some special damage,
distinct from the rest of the community, amounting to a reduction in
the value of his property.”
the Court noted, I did not allege in my Avenue A complaint that the
closure of that street caused any personal injury to my private
property rights or damage my property value, but instead alleged only
violations of “broad, public rights.” Given the Court’s
definition of the term, it found that my “public rights”
complaints did not qualify me as a “person aggrieved” under the
Court did not decide whether the Town’s deal with Mr. Fulcher and
the closing of Avenue A pursuant to that deal was a lawful exercise
of the Town’s legal authority.
Court did not adopt the Town’s arguments that only abutting
property owners may challenge street closures. If the Court believed
that, it would have defined “person aggrieved” as including only
persons owning property abutting the closed street.
only thing the Court of Appeals determined was that because I
had not included in my complaint any allegations that I had suffered
personal injury to any private property interests of my own, I
did not qualify as a “person aggrieved” within the meaning of the
statute appeal provision of the statute.
Court went out of its way to note (twice) that it was not
ruling on my separate challenge to the South Avenue closure. In
addition, the Court made it clear that if I did include allegations
and arguments showing personal injury to my own private property
interests in the South Avenue challenge I could qualify as a “person
aggrieved” with standing to pursue that separate challenge.
I have alleged the South Avenue closure caused injury to my
private property interests, and because I am arguing in this
case, based on a long line of North Carolina Court of Appeals and
Supreme Court decisions, that my property interests include a private
property right in the South Avenue right of way, my South Avenue
challenge satisfies the elements the Court of Appeals found lacking
in the Avenue A challenge.
the Superior Court ignored the central ruling of the Court of
Appeals’ Avenue A decision and the fact that my South Avenue
challenge includes the elements required to show I am a “person
aggrieved” with standing to appeal the South Avenue closure. This
is unfortunate because it will now require an appeal to the Court of
Appeals before the case can proceed to the next steps.
in mind that the question before the courts right now is not whether
the town acted within its authority in closing South Avenue. The
question at this point is simply whether I am a person who can ask
the courts to determine whether the town acted within its authority.
I am confident that the Court of Appeals will find that my South
Avenue complaint meets the requirements that Court set out in its
Avenue A decision for establishing the right to have the courts
review the closure.
I believe that upon review of the Board’s closure vote, the courts
will find that the Board did not comply with the statutory
requirements for closing a street, at this point the issue under
appeal is my right to have a court review whether the closure
complied with the statute, and not the “merits” of whether it did
comply with the statute.
said, I am increasingly dismayed at the amount of taxpayer money
which is being invested in delaying a trial on the merits of my
I would prefer that South Avenue be returned to its status as a
street because I believe it is a superior open space and water access
point compared with the “net-house” property, I do wish to
present the Board with a proposal to end further legal proceedings.
I am
therefore separately forwarding to the Town’s attorneys a proposal
which would satisfy my most serious concerns about the Town’s deal
with Mr. Fulcher, and also allow the Town to use the new property as
a “replacement” public space and water access park.
proposal would permit the kinds of plans the Board has been
considering for the property, including attendant buildings and
service potential. It would require that promises which the Board
has already made about the property, but which have not yet been put
into effect, be fulfilled.
order to help you understand why I continue to challenge the South
Avenue closure, and the purpose of some elements of my settlement
proposal, here is an abridged version of what I will argue to the
Court of Appeals if we are unable to reach a settlement.
Private Property Rights in South Avenue
Town’s attorneys have argued to the courts that the Town has a
right to close public rights of way. I agree that a town may close a
public right of way, if, and only if, the requirements of the closure
statute are met. Obviously I do not agree that the statutory
requirements were met in the closures of either Avenue A or South
Avenue, or I would not have brought legal proceedings seeking to
reverse those closures.
explained above, the question I am currently appealing is only
whether I have a right to ask the courts to determine whether the
closure complied with the statute.
Court of Appeals ruled in the Avenue A case that to establish my
right to seek such a determination, I must complain that the closure
injures my personal property interests.
my Avenue A complaint, my South Avenue challenge alleges that the
closure injures my personal property interests. That complaint is
supported by innumerable North Carolina court decisions over the
course of more than 100 years which establish:
“It is a settled principle that if the owner of land,
located within or without a city or town, has it subdivided and
platted into lots and streets, and sells and conveys [any of] the
lots … with reference to the plat… he thereby dedicates the
streets, and all of them, to the use of the purchasers, and those
claiming under them, and of the public.”
“Purchasers of [such subdivision] lots … acquire vested
rights to have all and each of the streets shown on the
map kept open.”
“To have deprived those who purchased lots with reference to
the original map, and those claiming under them, of appurtenant
rights in and to the streets, for the purpose of vesting such
rights in another merely for private use would run counter to
provisions of the Constitution of North Carolina, Art. I, Sec. 17,
and to the 14th Amendment to the
Constitution of the United States.”
Town of Blowing Rock v. Gregorie, 243 NC 366
(1956)(emph. added)
“vested right” in subdivision streets acquired by subdivision lot
purchasers are usually described as an “easement appurtenant” –
this means property interest is an “easement” which is
“appurtenant” (attached) to the purchased lot. The right not
only belongs to the original lot purchaser – it is passed as
part of the lot to subsequent heirs or purchasers of that lot.
the above quotes from the Gregorie case describe these
rights as arising when a subdividing landowner sells lots with
reference to a plat, the same rights arise when such a landowner
sells lots bordering on streets which are actually laid out and
marked on the ground, or by reference to a map of streets adopted as
an official town map. The principle is the same – when the
landowner sells the lots according to a plan of streets, the right to
use the planned streets is an inducement to purchase the lot, and is
part of the value for which the lot purchaser pays.
courts have also recognized that these rights to all of the planned
streets arise when multiple landowners sell lots out of their
respective lands according to a common street plan. A purchaser of a
lot from one landowner’s property obtains rights in the planned
streets which cross the other landowners’ properties if both
landowners are selling according to the same street plan.
is what happened in Oriental in 1899. All of the owners of
properties within the original town sold lots according to a plan of
streets laid out and marked on the ground, and later surveyed and
mapped by the Town. Oriental’s founding landowners agreed in
concert to develop their properties according to this common plan.
Because all of Oriental’s founding landowners cooperated in selling
lots according to that plan, all lot purchasers obtained appurtenant
easements in all of the planned streets, including the portion of
South Avenue leading to Raccoon Creek.
Clark Wright, representing the Town, acknowledged to the Superior
Court that subdivision purchasers obtain such rights. Mr. Wright,
however, asserted that these rights simply do not apply when a town
closes a street, and that I therefore do not have standing to
challenge the closure. I believe Mr. Wright is incorrect and his
assertion is not supported by case law.
for the merits of the case, should we ever reach that point, in
certain limited circumstances a town may close a street even though
the closure interferes with private appurtenant easements. Otherwise
there would be no purpose to the street closure statute. For
example, in the 1965 case of Wofford v. NC State Highway
Commission, the North Carolina Supreme Court recognized a
narrow “public interest” exception to “takings” claims, based
on legitimate exercise of the state’s police powers.
narrow “public interest” exception is the source of the “public
interest” language in the street closure statute. As Professor
David Lawrence points out, the purpose of the statute is to prohibit
towns from closing streets if such closures would give rise to
compensable takings in violation of the U.S. and North Carolina
may disagree with my position that the closure of South Avenue was
not within the “public interest” exception allowed by the closure
statute. It may be that the courts ultimately disagree with me on
that question. But that question is not related to whether I have
standing to have a court determine the matter.
purpose of the appeal provision of the closure statute is to allow a
court to review whether the closure complies with the provisions of
the closure statute, including the “public interest” provision.
The Court of Appeals’ Avenue A decision held that the question of
whether or not I have standing is determined by whether or not I have
claimed a property interest in the “affected property” or damage
to my property value that is different from the rest of the
community, not whether the Town has the right to close a
street despite such property interest or damage.
is very clear under North Carolina case law that I own a vested
private property interest in the South Avenue right of way as a
subdivision lot owner. The elimination of that right of way
necessarily reduces the value of my property interest, particularly
considering the water access rights included in that right of way.
This meets the Court of Appeals’ definition of a “person
aggrieved” with standing to bring an appeal of the street closure.
In a
series of protracted court battles, subdivision owners with private
appurtenant easement rights in the public streets of the Town of Oak
Island successfully challenged that town’s attempts to misuse
subdivision water-front street ends for non-street purposes
(construction of parks), and I believe the Court of Appeals will
apply the same reasoning and hold that I have standing to challenge
Oriental’s closure of South Avenue.
the Town acted lawfully in closing the street pursuant to its deal
with Mr. Fulcher will then be directly before the courts.
the Town closed the street in order to benefit Mr. Fulcher and to
acquire valuable real property which the Town may at any time close
off to the public, or lease or sell to private interests in order to
raise revenue, I believe the closure constitutes an unlawful taking
of my Constitutionally-protected property rights without due process
and compensation.
I could seek compensation for that taking in inverse condemnation
proceedings, I instead prefer to have South Avenue continue to be
available, which is why I have sought a reversal of the Board’s
closure vote.
Proposal for Settlement of Litigation
agreement between the Town and Mr. Fulcher stated that after the
closure of South Avenue, Mr. Fulcher would “rededicate” a portion
of South Avenue leading to the new property acquired by the Town. So
far as I can tell, this has not been done. The deed transferring the
new property to the Town describes the entire parcel as a fee simple
conveyance to the Town.
Board unanimously adopted a resolution declaring its intent “that
any property obtained by the Town of [Oriental on] Raccoon Creek, as
a direct or indirect consequence of closing the right of way on South
Avenue, will be dedicated as a public park, with public Water Access
on Raccoon Creek.” No such dedication has occurred.
the new property is properly dedicated to the public (and accepted on
behalf of the public by the Town), and as an easement appurtenant to
all of the properties within the original borders of the town, I
would consider it an adequate replacement of the South Avenue right
of way, and would be willing to forego further legal proceedings on
the matter.
will be forwarding a more detailed proposal for settlement to the
Town's attorneys. My proposal will allow the Town to continue its
current plans for the property, and effectuate promises already made
by the Board, while ensuring an enforceable right of future
generations to use the property as a public access point to public
trust waters.
R. Cox
The Honorable Bill Sage, Mayor
Before that, I have a long history of concern about South Avenue.
Here is what I wrote about it in 2009.
Topic Tags:
town government
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Some Thoughts On VW And Corporate Cheating
Recent news reports on VW test cheating have stirred up the usual defense of the miscreants. The problem is the regulation. No one was really hurt.
And it is quite clear that this was no innocent mistake.
I want to share the attached thoughtful article on what should be done.
Are corporations really people?
And it is quite clear that this was no innocent mistake.
I want to share the attached thoughtful article on what should be done.
Are corporations really people?
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Town Of Oriental Can't Produce Requested Documents
Interesting Town Board Meeting tonight. Raised more questions than it answered.
1. Why was the Board in such a hurry that they appointed Warren Johnson as mayor during last Thursday's Agenda meeting rather than at today's monthly Town Board meeting where such business is normally conducted? Especially as Warren wasn't at tonight's meeting due to a previously planned vacation? Was it an effort to keep something from happening? I don't know.I certainly have no objection to Warren's appointment, but it might have made more sense to appoint Sally Belangia, who is running unopposed for the office in November.
2. Why is the Town unable or unwilling to provide the records of closed session meetings that I requested over the past two months? Unable in some cases because the requested records have mysteriously disappeared. Is this a case of deja vu all over again? Some may recall records mysteriously disappearing when Randy Cahoon was Town Manager a few years ago, apparently removed by someone with access to the manager's office. As I recall, the disappearances ceased after Randy changed the locks. Thoday's Board was unwilling to provide some records that are not missing, even though there is no apparent legal justification for continuing to withhold them. What is the Board trying to cover up? I seem to recall the previously missing records reappeared after that year's elections.
Here is what I asked for:
June 2, 2015:
July 16, 2015:
Article 33C.
1. Why was the Board in such a hurry that they appointed Warren Johnson as mayor during last Thursday's Agenda meeting rather than at today's monthly Town Board meeting where such business is normally conducted? Especially as Warren wasn't at tonight's meeting due to a previously planned vacation? Was it an effort to keep something from happening? I don't know.I certainly have no objection to Warren's appointment, but it might have made more sense to appoint Sally Belangia, who is running unopposed for the office in November.
2. Why is the Town unable or unwilling to provide the records of closed session meetings that I requested over the past two months? Unable in some cases because the requested records have mysteriously disappeared. Is this a case of deja vu all over again? Some may recall records mysteriously disappearing when Randy Cahoon was Town Manager a few years ago, apparently removed by someone with access to the manager's office. As I recall, the disappearances ceased after Randy changed the locks. Thoday's Board was unwilling to provide some records that are not missing, even though there is no apparent legal justification for continuing to withhold them. What is the Board trying to cover up? I seem to recall the previously missing records reappeared after that year's elections.
Here is what I asked for:
June 2, 2015:
Request for Records of Closed Meetings of Oriental Town Board-member
To: Town Manager
From: David R. Cox, 409 Academy Street, Oriental, NC 252 646 5543,
I hereby request copies of the minutes of all closed sessions in
which the Town's agreement with Chris Fulcher or my suits against the
Town of Oriental were discussed, as well as all “general account[s]
of the closed session so that a person not in attendance would have a
reasonable understanding of what transpired. Such accounts may be a
written narrative. Or video or audio recording.” NCGS
143-318.10(e). Such minutes and accounts are public records under GS
132-1, provided that they may be withheld from public inspection so
long as public inspection would frustrate the purpose of a closed
Attached is a copy of a Merorandum (sic) to me from Mayor Sage
denying a previous request of mine for records of closed meetings. I
note that his assertion that records of closed sessions “are to be
kept sealed” until the Town Board of Commissioners votes to open
them to the public is not supported by the plain language of the
statute. There is no provision giving the Town Board discretionary
authority to keep the records sealed.
My request includes but is not limited to the following closed
1. January 13, 2012
2. February 7, 2012
3. February 10, 2012
4. July 9, 2012
5. September 4, 2012
I am continuing to review the Town's published minutes to compile an
additional list of closed sessions for which I want the records.
David Cox
July 16, 2015:
Article 33C.
Meetings of Public Bodies.
§ 143-318.9. Public policy.
Whereas the public
bodies that administer the legislative, policy-making,
quasi-judicial, administrative, and advisory functions of North
Carolina and its political subdivisions exist solely to conduct the
people's business, it is the public policy of North Carolina that the
hearings, deliberations, and actions of these bodies be conducted
openly. (1979, c. 655, s. 1.)
§ 143-318.10. All official meetings of
public bodies open to the public.
Except as provided in G.S. 143-318.11, 143-318.14A, and 143-318.18,
each official meeting of a public body shall be open to the public,
and any person is entitled to attend such a meeting.
§ 143-318.11. Closed sessions.
Permitted Purposes. - It is the policy of this State that closed
sessions shall be held only when required to permit a public body to
act in the public interest as permitted in this section. A public
body may hold a closed session and exclude the public only when a
closed session is required:
(1) To
prevent the disclosure of information that is privileged or
confidential pursuant to the law of this State or of the United
States, or not considered a public record within the meaning of
Chapter 132 of the General Statutes.
(2) To
prevent the premature disclosure of an honorary degree, scholarship,
prize, or similar award.
(3) To
consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in
order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney
and the public body, which privilege is hereby acknowledged. General
policy matters may not be discussed in a closed session and nothing
herein shall be construed to permit a public body to close a meeting
that otherwise would be open merely because an attorney employed or
retained by the public body is a participant. The public body may
consider and give instructions to an attorney concerning the handling
or settlement of a claim, judicial action, mediation, arbitration, or
administrative procedure. If the public body has approved or
considered a settlement, other than a malpractice settlement by or on
behalf of a hospital, in closed session, the terms of that settlement
shall be reported to the public body and entered into its minutes as
soon as possible within a reasonable time after the settlement is
(4) To
discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries
or other businesses in the area served by the public body, including
agreement on a tentative list of economic development incentives that
may be offered by the public body in negotiations, or to discuss
matters relating to military installation closure or realignment. Any
action approving the signing of an economic development contract or
commitment, or the action authorizing the payment of economic
development expenditures, shall be taken in an open session.
(5) To
establish, or to instruct the public body's staff or negotiating
agents concerning the position to be taken by or on behalf of the
public body in negotiating (i) the price and other material terms of
a contract or proposed contract for the acquisition of real property
by purchase, option, exchange, or lease; or (ii) the amount of
compensation and other material terms of an employment contract or
proposed employment contract.
(6) To
consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character,
fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial
employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective
public officer or employee; or to hear or investigate a complaint,
charge, or grievance by or against an individual public officer or
employee. General personnel policy issues may not be considered in a
closed session. A public body may not consider the qualifications,
competence, performance, character, fitness, appointment, or removal
of a member of the public body or another body and may not consider
or fill a vacancy among its own membership except in an open meeting.
Final action making an appointment or discharge or removal by a
public body having final authority for the appointment or discharge
or removal shall be taken in an open meeting.
(7) To
plan, conduct, or hear reports concerning investigations of alleged
criminal misconduct.
(8) To
formulate plans by a local board of education relating to emergency
response to incidents of school violence or to formulate and adopt
the school safety components of school improvement plans by a local
board of education or a school improvement team.
(9) To
discuss and take action regarding plans to protect public safety as
it relates to existing or potential terrorist activity and to receive
briefings by staff members, legal counsel, or law enforcement or
emergency service officials concerning actions taken or to be taken
to respond to such activity.
Repealed by Session Laws 1991, c. 694, s. 4.
Calling a Closed Session. - A public body may hold a closed session
only upon a motion duly made and adopted at an open meeting. Every
motion to close a meeting shall cite one or more of the permissible
purposes listed in subsection (a) of this section. A motion based
on subdivision (a)(1) of this section shall also state the name or
citation of the law that renders the information to be discussed
privileged or confidential. A motion based on subdivision (a)(3)
of this section shall identify the parties in each existing lawsuit
concerning which the public body expects to receive advice during the
closed session.
143-318.10. All official meetings of public bodies open to the
Every public body shall keep full and accurate minutes of all
official meetings, including any closed sessions held pursuant to
G.S. 143-318.11. Such minutes may be in written form or, at the
option of the public body, may be in the form of sound or video and
sound recordings. When a public body meets in closed session, it
shall keep a general account of the closed session so that a person
not in attendance would have a reasonable understanding of what
transpired. Such accounts may be a written narrative, or video or
audio recordings. Such minutes and accounts shall be public records
within the meaning of the Public Records Law, G.S. 132-1 et seq.;
provided, however, that minutes or an account of a closed session
conducted in compliance with G.S. 143-318.11 may be withheld from
public inspection so long as public inspection would frustrate the
purpose of a closed session. (1979, c. 655, s. 1; 1985
(Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 932, s. 4; 1991, c. 694, ss. 1, 2; 1993 (Reg.
Sess., 1994), c. 570, s. 1; 1995, c. 509, s. 135.2(p); 1997-290, s.
1; 1997-456, s. 27; 2011-326, s. 8.)
accordance with the above provisions on North Carolina General
Statutes, I hereby request the following public records:
The minutes and any general account of the following closed sessions
of the Town of Oriental Town Board pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11,
including both written records and accounts and any video or audio
records such that a person not in attendance would have a reasonable
understanding of what transpired. These records are required to be
kept in compliance with NCGS 143-318.10(e).
requested records relate to closed sessions concerning two complaints
filed by me in the Pamlico County Superior Court against the Town. In
view of the fact that these complaints have been settled, the
withholding of these public records would no longer frustrate any
purpose of the closed sessions in question. The request includes but
is not necessarily limited to records of the following closed
February 20, 2013;
July 18, 2013;
August 6, 2013;
September 2, 2013;
December 2, 2014;
March 3, 2014.
In addition, I request a copy of the minutes of the Town Board of
Commissioners to which the terms of the settlement have been entered
as required by NCGS 143-318.10(3).
Topic Tags:
town government
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Cox v. Town Of Oriental: The Real Story
A lot of nonsense has been promulgated by Oriental Town Government about why I filed suit against the Town over closing of Avenue A and South Avenue.
It was about taking away public rights, but it was very much about defending private property rights.
I call it a swindle. It can also be called theft. Constitutionally, it was a "taking." Takings can be lawful, if taken for a public purpose. But this was neither an exercise of eminent domain nor an exercise of the state's "police power." The only other circumstance in which a street closing is clearly authorized by case law is if all the property owners in a subdivision agree to it.
The Town's attorney Clark Wright knows this. Mayor Bill Sage knows this. But they wanted to do what they did, and they didn't even want to protect public access to the "donated property" by a public dedication, a deed restriction, or any other measure that would protect the public in the future.
It changed the face of the Town forever, and since I have now withdrawn my suit, it can't be undone by the courts, even if it is unlawful.
It isn't really complicated, but the Town Board and its attorneys spent (they say) $80,000 to protect the deal by keeping it from the Court of Appeals.
Here's my story:
It was about taking away public rights, but it was very much about defending private property rights.
I call it a swindle. It can also be called theft. Constitutionally, it was a "taking." Takings can be lawful, if taken for a public purpose. But this was neither an exercise of eminent domain nor an exercise of the state's "police power." The only other circumstance in which a street closing is clearly authorized by case law is if all the property owners in a subdivision agree to it.
The Town's attorney Clark Wright knows this. Mayor Bill Sage knows this. But they wanted to do what they did, and they didn't even want to protect public access to the "donated property" by a public dedication, a deed restriction, or any other measure that would protect the public in the future.
It changed the face of the Town forever, and since I have now withdrawn my suit, it can't be undone by the courts, even if it is unlawful.
It isn't really complicated, but the Town Board and its attorneys spent (they say) $80,000 to protect the deal by keeping it from the Court of Appeals.
Here's my story:
Topic Tags:
town government,
water access
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Do ItYourself Legal Proceedings
I don't know, but I've been told that it was Mayor Bill Sage who wrote the Town of Oriental "Press Release" printed on the front page of the Pamlico News last March 17.
Mayor Sage did not explain, though he knows full well that the Court of Appeals decided that I could not be a "person aggrieved" in the case of Avenue A only because I did not claim personal injury. That's all. It was a rookie mistake in my brief. He also knows full well that the Court of Appeals explicitly explained (twice) that its decision on Avenue A does not apply to South Avenue. He also knows that my complaint concerning South Avenue does claim personal injury, thereby meeting the Court's criteria for being a "person aggrieved" and therefore having standing to bring the case and have it heard on its merits. To anyone paying attention, it could not have been "unimaginable" that I filed the second suit. In fact, Judge Nobles shook his finger at the Town's attorney and admonished him that "it is your fault that Mr.Cox had to file a second suit." That's a matter for a separate discussion.
In his diatribe, the mayor seemed specially annoyed that I represented myself pro se. He mentioned it twice. I do want to address that.
It is true that I am not an attorney. It is also true that I couldn't afford to retain an attorney. But I am not a complete stranger to legal proceedings. Or to legal standards concerning public officials. I am a naval officer. Law is a part of my profession.
I was seventeen years old learning to be a naval officer when it was impressed on me that public officials (including ship captains and admirals) have only those powers granted to them by law and regulation. My very first course in naval matters introduced me to US Navy Regulations 1948, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the Judge Advocate General's Manual and the Manual for Courts Martial. This body of knowledge was expanded over the next four years to include International Law and Law of the Sea.
When I was commissioned in 1958, all of the Navy's routine legal matters were handled by seagoing officers. We had no specialized corps of lawyers until 1967. I was assigned to USS Cabildo (LSD-16) as navigator, but I was also the ship's legal officer, administrative officer and personnel officer. Those three collateral duties all involved dealing with law and regulation. In Court Martial proceedings, I normally was trial counsel, but also occasionally was asked to serve as a sailor's defense counsel.
Later in my career I served as president of courts-martial, acted as investigating officer in JAG investigations and was awarded advanced degrees in international law and diplomacy. As a specialist in politico-military policy, I worked closely over the years with military and civilian attorneys in the Office of The Chief of Naval Operations, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Department of State and the Judge Advocate General.s Office of International Law.
After I retired from the Navy and was a founder of an information technology company, I represented the company in a GAO bid protest hearing where the other party was represented by the biggest government contract law firm in DC. I prevailed.
I mention these things not to claim that I have skills as good as those of a licensed attorney, but only to suggest I am not a complete novice in legal affairs. My advice to the Town Board should not have been rejected out of hand.
Had I been able to afford to retain counsel, my case would still be going forward.
Mayor Sage did not explain, though he knows full well that the Court of Appeals decided that I could not be a "person aggrieved" in the case of Avenue A only because I did not claim personal injury. That's all. It was a rookie mistake in my brief. He also knows full well that the Court of Appeals explicitly explained (twice) that its decision on Avenue A does not apply to South Avenue. He also knows that my complaint concerning South Avenue does claim personal injury, thereby meeting the Court's criteria for being a "person aggrieved" and therefore having standing to bring the case and have it heard on its merits. To anyone paying attention, it could not have been "unimaginable" that I filed the second suit. In fact, Judge Nobles shook his finger at the Town's attorney and admonished him that "it is your fault that Mr.Cox had to file a second suit." That's a matter for a separate discussion.
In his diatribe, the mayor seemed specially annoyed that I represented myself pro se. He mentioned it twice. I do want to address that.
It is true that I am not an attorney. It is also true that I couldn't afford to retain an attorney. But I am not a complete stranger to legal proceedings. Or to legal standards concerning public officials. I am a naval officer. Law is a part of my profession.
I was seventeen years old learning to be a naval officer when it was impressed on me that public officials (including ship captains and admirals) have only those powers granted to them by law and regulation. My very first course in naval matters introduced me to US Navy Regulations 1948, the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the Judge Advocate General's Manual and the Manual for Courts Martial. This body of knowledge was expanded over the next four years to include International Law and Law of the Sea.
When I was commissioned in 1958, all of the Navy's routine legal matters were handled by seagoing officers. We had no specialized corps of lawyers until 1967. I was assigned to USS Cabildo (LSD-16) as navigator, but I was also the ship's legal officer, administrative officer and personnel officer. Those three collateral duties all involved dealing with law and regulation. In Court Martial proceedings, I normally was trial counsel, but also occasionally was asked to serve as a sailor's defense counsel.
Later in my career I served as president of courts-martial, acted as investigating officer in JAG investigations and was awarded advanced degrees in international law and diplomacy. As a specialist in politico-military policy, I worked closely over the years with military and civilian attorneys in the Office of The Chief of Naval Operations, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Department of State and the Judge Advocate General.s Office of International Law.
After I retired from the Navy and was a founder of an information technology company, I represented the company in a GAO bid protest hearing where the other party was represented by the biggest government contract law firm in DC. I prevailed.
I mention these things not to claim that I have skills as good as those of a licensed attorney, but only to suggest I am not a complete novice in legal affairs. My advice to the Town Board should not have been rejected out of hand.
Had I been able to afford to retain counsel, my case would still be going forward.
Topic Tags:
town government
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Cox v Oriental Release and Settlement Agreement
- Scott Davis
- Mar 27
- To
- Benjamin Alford
- CC
- David Cox
- Clark Wright
- Lynn Holton
We wanted to make you aware that the Town of Oriental and Mr. David Cox have resolved this matter with Mr. Cox agreeing to withdraw his appeal of your Orders. Pursuant to the terms of the agreement, Mr. Cox filed his Notice of Withdrawal of Appeal yesterday. Under the agreement, the Town agreed that it would waive its rights to pursue any claims against Mr. Cox for sanctions and damages, and further agreed to advise you by email notice that the Town does not desire that the Court, on its own motion, consider or hear any further motions for sanctions against Mr. Cox arising out of 12-CVS-121 or 13-CVS-67.
With each party now having satisfied its obligations under the settlement agreement, this matter is officially settled.
Topic Tags:
water access
Friday, March 27, 2015
Cox Surrenders to Town Government's Taking
is to let readers of my blog know that I have formally surrendered in the court
case of Cox v. Town of Oriental in what I still view as a swindle.
I call it a swindle because when Town Government closed the terminus of South Avenue, they took my personal property right (and the right of other property owners in the Village) to an easement in that street and gave it to another citizen. Not because I say so, but because more than a hundred years of NC Supreme Court decisions say so. The Court of Appeals spelled it out in the second paragraph of their 2009 opinion in the case of Town of Oriental v. Henry: "Generally," the Court said, "where lots are sold and conveyed by reference to a map or plat which represents a division of a tract of land into subdivisions of streets and lots, such streets become dedicated to public use, and the purchaser of the lot or lots acquires the right to have each of the streets kept open...."
I didn't surrender because the Town had the right to close South Avenue - they didn't. I surrendered because I no longer have the material and emotional resources to continue the fight, even though the prospects for a win at the Court of Appeals were excellent. But I had to face the possibility that even after a win I might face additional years of litigation.
I call it a swindle because when Town Government closed the terminus of South Avenue, they took my personal property right (and the right of other property owners in the Village) to an easement in that street and gave it to another citizen. Not because I say so, but because more than a hundred years of NC Supreme Court decisions say so. The Court of Appeals spelled it out in the second paragraph of their 2009 opinion in the case of Town of Oriental v. Henry: "Generally," the Court said, "where lots are sold and conveyed by reference to a map or plat which represents a division of a tract of land into subdivisions of streets and lots, such streets become dedicated to public use, and the purchaser of the lot or lots acquires the right to have each of the streets kept open...."
I didn't surrender because the Town had the right to close South Avenue - they didn't. I surrendered because I no longer have the material and emotional resources to continue the fight, even though the prospects for a win at the Court of Appeals were excellent. But I had to face the possibility that even after a win I might face additional years of litigation.
I'm sorry the elected officials of the Town spent so much money on the effort to keep the legal issues from being ruled on by the Court of Appeals. I'm sorry the Town Government has done nothing to protect future public access to and ownership rights of the new Town Dock, as I urged them repeatedly to do.
From 2002 to 2009 the
Town Government spent tens of thousands of dollars to defend its
control of South Avenue and to defend the rights of its citizens to use that public way to access public trust waters. That effort sought to bring legal issues before the Court of Appeals. Now
the Commissioners claim to have spent more than 80 thousand to abandon the fruits of
that victory for the Town's citizens and property owners. This time the Town Government's purpose in the court fight was to keep the issues away from the Court of Appeals.
am grateful to the Court of Appeals for spelling out in its opinion on
Avenue A what I needed to do to win on South Avenue. I am also
grateful to the Court that it did not affirm a single one of the Town's
claims to have lawful authority to do what they did.
being said, I could easily foresee two or three more years of effort to oppose this taking,
with an uncertain outcome. I have other things to do.
I have abandoned the court fight, but I will not abandon my concern for public access to public trust waters.
Thanks for your support.
David Cox
Topic Tags:
private property rights,
town government
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Yankee Station And Selma
Fifty years ago, my ship was boring holes in the South China Sea, firing projectiles into the jungles of South Vietnam at targets we couldn't see - some nine miles away. It was hard and challenging work and our sailors did it well, but in the end it had little effect.
Meanwhile, brave Americans marched to Selma, stood up for freedom in Greensboro, marched in Memphis, and changed America for the better. These were real patriots and I salute them.
And so did President Obama:
Meanwhile, brave Americans marched to Selma, stood up for freedom in Greensboro, marched in Memphis, and changed America for the better. These were real patriots and I salute them.
And so did President Obama:
Topic Tags:
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Cox v Town Of Oriental
Quick update. Last week, I sent a letter to the Town Commissioners explaining my view of the law that applies and where things stand. I also outlined a possible resolution. I sent a more detailed letter to the Town's attorney. I expect they will go into closed session tonight to discuss it.
Topic Tags:
town government
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
I'm Thinking It Over
From the March 24, 1948 broadcast of THE JACK BENNY PROGRAM.
--Hey, bud. Bud.
--Got a match?
--Match? Yes, I have one right here--
--Don't make a move, this is a stick-up.
--You heard me.
--Mister. Mister, put down that gun!
--Shaddup. Now, come on--your money or your life.
--Look, bud! I said your money or your life!
--I'm thinking it over!
Friends ask me what I am going to do about Judge Alford's dismissal of my complaint against the Town about the closing of South Avenue.
On top of that, there's the Town Attorney's threat to file a motion for sanctions and Judge Alford's e-mail declaring that he would be receptive. (The mugging).
Right now, I can only offer Jack Benny's reply.
More to follow.
--Hey, bud. Bud.
--Got a match?
--Match? Yes, I have one right here--
--Don't make a move, this is a stick-up.
--You heard me.
--Mister. Mister, put down that gun!
--Shaddup. Now, come on--your money or your life.
--Look, bud! I said your money or your life!
--I'm thinking it over!
Friends ask me what I am going to do about Judge Alford's dismissal of my complaint against the Town about the closing of South Avenue.
On top of that, there's the Town Attorney's threat to file a motion for sanctions and Judge Alford's e-mail declaring that he would be receptive. (The mugging).
Right now, I can only offer Jack Benny's reply.
More to follow.
Topic Tags:
town government
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Cox v Town Of Oriental November 24 Appearance
I've been very busy the past several days preparing for my court appearance tomorrow in my case against the Town of Oriental.
The town Really, Really, Really doesn't want to actually appear at a trial and litigate the issues. They have spent gobs of money to avoid that by persuading the judge to dismiss the case. And to defend their claimed right to sell streets. It would have been less expensive just to go to trial.
I have to prepare not only to address questions of fact and questions of law, but also to defend against what one observer at last week's County Commission meeting called the "razzle-dazzle" of the attorney's presentation.
I've never been known for razzle-dazzle, so it could be an uneven contest.
Also, I don't make stuff up.
Even so, I'll be on tap at Pamlico County Courthouse at 10:00 a.m. Monday, November 24, 2014.
Come on by.
David Cox, Plaintiff
The town Really, Really, Really doesn't want to actually appear at a trial and litigate the issues. They have spent gobs of money to avoid that by persuading the judge to dismiss the case. And to defend their claimed right to sell streets. It would have been less expensive just to go to trial.
I have to prepare not only to address questions of fact and questions of law, but also to defend against what one observer at last week's County Commission meeting called the "razzle-dazzle" of the attorney's presentation.
I've never been known for razzle-dazzle, so it could be an uneven contest.
Also, I don't make stuff up.
Even so, I'll be on tap at Pamlico County Courthouse at 10:00 a.m. Monday, November 24, 2014.
Come on by.
David Cox, Plaintiff
Topic Tags:
Monday, August 18, 2014
August 18, 1920: Famous Day In History
On August 18, 1920, Tennessee ratified the 19th Amendment giving women
the right to vote. Yeah, remember ladies, at one time, you were not
allowed to vote!!! Think about it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Cox v. Town Of Oriental: Update
A little over a month ago, I reported that the NC Court of Appeals upheld the Pamlico Superior Court's dismissal of my complaint against the Town over the Town's closing of Avenue A.
It was a unanimous opinion of a three-judge panel, which meant I have no right of appeal. I did retain the right to petition the NC Supreme Court for a discretionary review. The Supreme Court very seldom grants such petitions.
I have decided not to petition the Supreme Court in this case.
My second complaint against the Town, for the closing of South Avenue, is very much alive. The South Avenue complaint was stayed by Judge Nobles, pending results from the Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals made it clear that their opinion applies only to the Avenue A complaint and not to the South Avenue complaint.
The opinion upheld the dismissal on the sole grounds that I did not complain that the Town's action injured me personally. I will have more to say about that issue as my South Avenue complaint proceeds.
It was a unanimous opinion of a three-judge panel, which meant I have no right of appeal. I did retain the right to petition the NC Supreme Court for a discretionary review. The Supreme Court very seldom grants such petitions.
I have decided not to petition the Supreme Court in this case.
My second complaint against the Town, for the closing of South Avenue, is very much alive. The South Avenue complaint was stayed by Judge Nobles, pending results from the Court of Appeals. The Court of Appeals made it clear that their opinion applies only to the Avenue A complaint and not to the South Avenue complaint.
The opinion upheld the dismissal on the sole grounds that I did not complain that the Town's action injured me personally. I will have more to say about that issue as my South Avenue complaint proceeds.
Topic Tags:
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Cox v. Town of Oriental: Bad News
Nearly a week ago, I checked the NC Court of Appeals web site and read the bad news. The Court of Appeals upheld the decision of Pamlico County Superior Court to dismiss my case. The Court's reason: I lack standing.
It isn't bad news because I have lost. It is bad news because the public has lost control of a public asset. This is about the future of the Town of Oriental. And the rule of law.
The case isn't necessarily over. I have almost a month in which to petition the NC Supreme Court for a hearing.
I will consult with my attorney and others to help me decide.
Stay tuned.
It isn't bad news because I have lost. It is bad news because the public has lost control of a public asset. This is about the future of the Town of Oriental. And the rule of law.
The case isn't necessarily over. I have almost a month in which to petition the NC Supreme Court for a hearing.
I will consult with my attorney and others to help me decide.
Stay tuned.
Topic Tags:
town government
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Independence Day, 2014 - Croaker Fest inOriental
It was a glorious day in the Town of Oriental yesterday - the morning after Hurricane Arthur swept through. A bit of debris on the ground, mostly cleaned up by noon. The festival was on!
Once upon a time in America, in small towns and large, all across the land, citizens would gather each year for a public reading of the Declaration of Independence. In classrooms, students memorized and recited the preamble. The words were familiar to everyone:
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." When I was in grade school, I was required to memorize the preamble. I can still recite it.
Some of us memorized the next passage: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...."
How does government demonstrate the consent of the governed? By holding elections.
Independence Day is about elections.
Once upon a time in America, in small towns and large, all across the land, citizens would gather each year for a public reading of the Declaration of Independence. In classrooms, students memorized and recited the preamble. The words were familiar to everyone:
"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." When I was in grade school, I was required to memorize the preamble. I can still recite it.
Some of us memorized the next passage: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...."
How does government demonstrate the consent of the governed? By holding elections.
Independence Day is about elections.
Topic Tags:
Monday, June 30, 2014
Kinder, Küche, Kirche
Kinder, Küche, Kirche:* Goal of SCOTUS?
* English translation: "Barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen."
Topic Tags:
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Cox v. Oriental: Nothing New
For those following my case against the Town of Oriental, there was nothing heard today from the Court of Appeals. Next reporting date: July 1.
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