Please stop by the Board of Elections office in Bayboro and fill out a revised form. Or do so by mail.
If you want to vote in person on November 6, the deadline to register is October 12.
Voter Registration Deadline
When: Friday, Oct 12, 2012
Description: October
12, 2012, 5pm - Voter registration deadline for November 6 General
Election. Forms must be postmarked or delivered in person by 5:00 pm
today [NCGS 163-82.6(c)] *Individuals who miss the registration deadline
may register in person and then vote at one-stop voting sites in the
person’s county of residence during the one-stop absentee voting period
(October 18-November 3). In order to register during a one-stop period,
the applicant must show acceptable proof of name and residence in the
Remember: If you miss the deadline, you can always vote during one-stop.