Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pamlico County Municipal Elections

Municipal elections in North Carolina occur in November of every odd-numbered year. In case you missed it, 2013 is an odd number.

So you don't have to worry about the election for four more months, right?

Not exactly. As Town Dock reminds us this morning, if you want to run for municipal office, you need to file your candidacy during the filing period beginning noon Friday, July 5, 2013 and ending at noon July 19.

Even if you don't want to run for office but would like to see some new office holders, talk to others about running. Encourage them.

It matters.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Court Hearing(s) Update: July 8 Schedule

We've been a bit busy moving back into our hurricane damaged home Unfinished but livable), so I have made few posts. Here's what's new:

Town of Oriental has filed a motion to dismiss my appeal of the closing of South Avenue: On calendar for Pamlico County Court House at 2:00 pm July 8;
Kirby Smith, attorney retained to pursue my appeal of the order Judge Alford entered April 10 granting Town's motion to dismiss my appeal of closing of Avenue A, has filed a motion for a stay: On calendar for Pamlico County Court House at 2:00 pm July 8;
I have filed a motion for a temporary injunction against further actions by Town transferring rights of way to Chris Fulcher or anyone else until after completion of appellate process;
Town of Oriental has filed a motion against me alleging that I violated Rule 11 of North Carolina Civil Procedures and seeking sanctions: On calendar for Pamlico County Court House at 2:00 pm July 8.

Busy Monday at court next week.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hearing On Town Of Oriental Motion To Dismiss: Cox v. Oriental

I just received notice from the Town's attorneys putting a hearing on the calendar for their motion to dismiss.

The hearing will be July 8 at 2:00 PM or as soon thereafter as possible. It will be held in the Pamlico County Court House. More detail later.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Sequester - Destructive And Dumb

Have I mentioned before how destructive and stupid the sequester is?

We are seeing the total failure of government. People are being hurt. The economy is being hurt.

I say again: We don't have a deficit problem - we have a jobs problem! The federal government should spend more money, not less, until employment returns.

Do you want to know just exactly what and who is being harmed by the sequester? Check out Jared Bernstein's blog here.

On Weather

Mark Twain once observed that everybody talks about the weather, but no one ever does anything about it.

About three o'clock this morning, the rain began to fall. It came in waves.

When I got up at 6:00, I checked the weather forecast on Town Dock, as I usually do. I found the probability of precipitation to be 7%. It is now twenty minutes after 8:00, and the rain is still pouring down. It is thundering as well.

Something seems to be amiss.

When I was ten years old, people explained any unusual or unwanted weather as being "because of those atomic bomb tests."

Today we know better.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

New Web Site About Suit Against Town Of Oriental

Readers may have noticed I haven't said much lately about the suit I filed against the Town of Oriental.

Mostly, I want the complaint to be processed in the courts. That's the only institution that can undo the Town's actions.

In the meantime, there has been a lot of information and misinformation about what I am doing and why I am doing it.

Here is a web site,, that explains what is at stake. Take a look. If you have any questions, you can comment on this blog or send an e-mail to 

The site will be updated as new information becomes available.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Oriental Town Budget

Last Monday, the Town Board held a public hearing on the budget for 2013-2014. Not many members of the public attended the 5:30 meeting, and there were few public comments. It took only a few minutes for the Town Board to approve the budget ordinance for the coming year.

Earlier this Spring, as reported in Town Dock, the Board considered a proposal to raise taxes to cover expenses resulting from my suit against the Town. Town Dock explained: "There will not be an increase in property taxes, even though, this spring, Commissioners had bounced that idea around for a week or two. Town Manager Bob Maxbauer claimed a tax hike was necessary to pay the town’s attorneys to fight lawsuits over the South Avenue and Avenue A rights of way. (Resident Dave Cox has sued the Town, saying towns can’t exchange or sell rights of way, as Oriental did in the Chris Fulcher land swap.

"Maxbauer wanted the Board to raise taxes 3 cents for every $100 valuation which would have brought in $63,000 – even though the Town’s attorney has estimated the cost of the lawsuit and appeal could run between $20,000 and $50,000. Commissioner Sherrill Styron said at one budget meeting that he wanted at least a penny tax to “make David Cox look bad” but in the end, the Board declined, in this election year, to raise the property tax at all."

I assume that Sherrill Styron's remark about raising taxes to make me look bad was offered in jest.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

SCOTUS Gets It Right

Last week's decision by the Supreme Court disallowing patents for naturally occurring genes represents the final triumph of common sense.

So how come the patent office has been granting such patents for 30 years?

One thing the case shows is that foolish government actions can be overurned in our court system, but only if someone complains.

Long live complainants (otherwise known as plaintiffs).