Ernie Pyle, the GI\s favorite war correspondent, walked upon the beach at Normandy. The incredible scene he described has never been adequately captured in the movies. Just imagine the German prisoners on the bluff overlooking the sea and contemplating their nation's doom.
Here is Pyle's account. :
is no one in more pursuit of publicity than a retired military
officer,” Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma said about last Tuesday's climate report by a leading government-funded military research organization.
For an elected official to complain that retired military officers "pursue publicity" is a bit bizarre.
Inhofe's complaint was that the CNA Corporation Military Advisory Board
found that climate change-induced drought in the Middle East and Africa
is leading to conflicts over food and water and escalating longstanding
regional and ethnic tensions into violent clashes. The report also
found that rising sea levels are putting people and food supplies in
vulnerable coastal regions like eastern India, Bangladesh and the Mekong
Delta in Vietnam at risk and could lead to a new wave of refugees.