Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Politics Ain't Beanbag

Beginning of candidate filing period in North Carolina calls to mind the aphorism of the fictional Mr. Dooley, creation of the humorist and editor, Finley Peter Dunne.

The part that's frequently quoted says, simply: "Politics ain't beanbag." The reader is left to surmise that there must be a game using bags of beans, not likely to cause lasting damage to the participants.

It is worth recalling the whole quote:
"Politics ain't beanbag: 'tis a man's game, and women, children 'n' pro-hy-bitionists had best stay out of it."

A quick glance at the list of candidates who have filed so far reveals that women are no longer staying out of the game of politics, even if it still "ain't beanbag." And that's a mighty good thing.

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