Thursday, February 9, 2012

Renewable Energy

Monday night at the Pamlico County Commissioners meeting, a guest offered his views on why renewable energy sources (specifically wind energy) would be bad for Pamlico County: it costs more, it can't completely replace other forms of energy, its savings are exaggerated, it will reduce employment and it will chase tourists away. Since we currently have no wind generators in Pamlico County, I assume that means we must be awash in tourists, money and jobs.

Not exactly.

Since the meeting, though, I have been remembering a form of renewable energy that cost nothing but a bit of sweat, toil and tears.

Here is a picture of me and Joe Willie in Holmes County, Mississippi, gathering wood for the kitchen cook stove. Joe Willie chopped and both of us carried. About 1943:


Tony Tharp said...

Hummm . . . Neat photo, but I question just how 'renewable' the firewood method of heating and cooking actually is. In addition to that, as I'm sure you know . . .

David Cox said...

Tony: Thanks for the comment. I thought about putting up a couple of photos of a real fire in the fireplace as well. I wouldn't claim that wood smoke is great for the lungs or that it made for pure outdoor air. I remember on a still day the smoke from wood fires rising until it hit the temperature inversion and then spreading out to obscure the sun, leaving only the vision of a red orb, even on otherwise clear days. But when you cut down a tree for fire wood, the tree would grow back. So it was renewable.