Tuesday, July 23, 2013

South Avenue: What Has The Town Of Oriental Bought?

At meetings in June, Town Board members informed the public that the property offered by Mr. Fulcher in return for the Town closing certain public rights of way "now belong to us."

It's true. Even though the closings of Avenue A and South Avenue are under challenge in the courts, the Town has moved ahead with the deal. In late May, the transfer of property from one of Mr. Fulcher's Companies, Fulcher Point, LLC, was recorded at the Pamlico County Register of Deeds.

What did the Town get?

The deed itself is a "non- warranty deed." In other words, a quit claim deed. That means that whatever interest Mr. Fulcher may have in the property (if any) now belongs to the Town. No guarantees.

The property belongs to the municipal corporation, governed by the Board of Commissioners, in fee simple.

Can they sell it? Yes. All it takes is three votes on the Board and public notice.

Unlike Lou-Mac Park, there are no deed restrictions.

Is it dedicated to the public? No.

Can the Board dedicate it to the public? No. At the hearing of March 4 before Judge Alford, the Town's attorneys presented no case law supporting the contention that the Town can sell or trade a public right of way for something of value. But they made a very strong case, citing a case from the Town of Valdese in the 1980's, that future boards cannot be prevented from selling real property they own in fee simple. Nothing this Board does now can prevent any future Board from doing whatever they want with the land. There is no protection for the property as a public access point to the water, other than the will of the Board.

By the way, the Town Attorney told the Board at the public hearing on July 3, 2012 that there was no case law supporting what they were doing. "And we don't have any case law," he said, "that tells us what the magic recipe is." That should have set off alarm bells.

Is the property contaminated? Yes.

Fuel Tanks that subsequently spilled on Town's new property
(click photo to enlarge)
Some years ago, tanks containing 20,000 gallons of diesel fuel spilled its entire contents onto the property. There is no record that the contamination was ever cleaned up.

Are there other problems with the deal? Yes. Too numerous to mention.

Was the land swap lawful? The court case is going forward to the North Carolina Court of Appeals. They will have the final say.

Was the land swap wise? You decide.

More background here.

Across The Steppes Of Central Asia

As I read this article, in my mind I heard the strains of Borodin's music.

Would you believe a seven thousand mile journey of freight trains carrying high value cargo from China west across Central Asia through Russia and Poland to Holland? It's happening. The economics of it are fascinating, but also what it tells us about developments in the heart of Asia.

It all began in the late nineteenth century with the Trans Siberian Railway. Propelled by long-forgotten wars.

Now the sinews of commerce are tying the region together in unimaginable ways.

And we knew nothing about it.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Paean To Local Pols

Two years ago I posted some thoughts about how grateful we should be to to citizens who answer the call to public service and stand for election. Just by filing for election, they serve the cause of Democracy.

Candidate filing for municipal office in North Carolina ended at noon yesterday. For the Town of Oriental, thirteen citizens filed to compete for five seats on the Town Board of Commissioners. Two filed to run for mayor.

We should celebrate them all.

That being said, those of us who vote need to remember we are not selecting a homecoming queen. The six candidates we elect will have real legal authority and real responsibilities. The decisions they make can affect what kind of Town we live in for the foreseeable future - months, years, decades or in some cases forever.

Selecting the Town's governing body is not a trivial matter. We each have our own criteria for candidates. Here are some of mine:

1. Commitment to the residents and to the future of the Town;

2. Attention to details;

3. Planning ability;

4. Sound, mature judgment;

5. Management and oversight ability;

6. Willingness to review key officials, including attorney;

7. Pursues and recognizes excellence;

8. Listens to citizens and exchanges information with them. Openly.

Some of our incumbents are deficient by these criteria. If I criticize any of them, remember: It isn't personal - it's business.

I started this blog while I still served on the Town Board. I did not want to play my cards close to my vest. I was happy for voters to know where I stood. I was equally happy for other members of the Board to know. If I was working on a proposal, I wanted the public to read it. Not that my drafts were "take it or leave it" ideas, but I wanted to exchange views. Waving arms and shouting at meetings isn't conducive to sharing. And ad hoc actions during meetings often turn out badly. I put one of my drafts on the Town web site once and caught a lot of flack for it. That's when I started the blog. I encourage every Town Board member to follow suit. I dare them to follow suit.

Why I Didn't File

I have been asked several times today why I didn't file to run for either commissioner or mayor of Oriental.

Short answer: my suits against the Town. Although there is no legal bar to my running for office and serving in office, had I been elected, it would be awkward every time the Town met with its attorneys to discuss the case. As a practical matter, it just wouldn't work, no matter how much I want to see regime change.

On the positive side, now that I no longer serve on the Pamlico County Board of Elections, I am free to talk about any of the candidates. I am free to disclose information to the public without being accused of putting an official thumb on the electoral scales.

Somewhat the same applies to Oriental Town politics. When I was elected to the Town Board in 2007, I knew that I would have to trim my sails to some extent in order to build enough support for actions I thought were needed. Every time a measure was voted on, I had to balance my personal opinion against the knowledge that at the next meeting, I may seek the vote of someone opposed to me on this one.

This isn't necessarily the same as what has derisively been called "log rolling." It is just the common-sense practice of picking your battles. If your object of seeking office is political posturing, it doesn't matter. If your object is to do things - to take action on behalf of the community at large, you need to exercise a bit of restraint.

I still want to accomplish things for the Town, but I am neither mayor nor a member of the Town Board. Nor do I seek those offices.

I admit I was more than a bit annoyed on March 4, when the Town's attorney, Clark Wright, explained to the judge that he should dismiss my complaint because I am "politically disgruntled" and running for mayor. I had never met Clark Wright in my life, had never disclosed any political ambitions with him or discussed anything other than legal procedures associated with the case. Nor will I ever in the future.

I may, however, now feel more free to disclose to the public the vast amount of misinformation they have been fed about the "land swap." I was more than happy for this to play out in the courts. But the Town has made it personal instead of a dispute about law.

I deplore that.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Drama At The Board Of Elections July 19, 2013

My wife and I arrived at Pamlico County Board of Elections a little after 10:00 am today to find that everything was calm and orderly. Lisa Bennett and the newly appointed Board had everything under control. One incumbent Oriental Commissioner was sitting quietly at a table outside the office reading through the filing papers for nearly two hours. Perhaps in indecision.

At that point, we already knew that Bill Sage and Lori Wagoner had filed for mayor of Oriental, and ten candidates had filed for the five commissioner slots, including the former town manager and a slate of his supporters.

Two more candidates filed, both from the old village of Oriental. Finally the incumbent, Barbara Venturi, got up from the table, went into the Director's office and filed for commissioner.

So as filing closed, Oriental had two candidates for mayor and thirteen for commissioner. Here is the story from Town Dock.

If past elections are any guide, that won't be the end of the story.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Filing Deadline For Municipal Elections

The deadline is noon on July 19th at the Board of Elections office at Bayboro (for Pamlico County).

So far, for the Town of Oriental, ten candidates have filed for the five seats (all at large) on the Town Board of Commissioners. Two incumbents (Warren Johnson and Barbara Venturi) have not yet filed for commissioner and no candidates have filed for mayor.

There may be yet more surprises in store tomorrow.

In the rest of the county, filing vacancies are:

Alliance: Three commissioner slots;

Arapahoe: Mayor and one commissioner slot;

Bayboro: Full slate;

Mesic: Full slate;

Minesott Beach: one commissioner slot;

Oriental: Mayor;

Stonewall: Full slate;

Vandemere: One commissioner.

Note: There is no upper limit on number of candidates who can file. If there are not enough candidates to fill all of the elected seats in a Town, the County Board of Elections has authority to extend the filing deadline one week, but no longer. If there remain an insufficient number of candidates, vacancies are filled by write-in votes.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pamlico County: New Board Of Elections Sworn In

There was a brief but well-attended ceremony at the County Board of Elections office in Bayboro at noon today. This is the time set forth in North Carolina General Statutes on the third Tuesday in July of every odd-numbered year, when newly-appointed Board of Elections members are sworn in for two year terms.

I was honored and deeply touched by remarks of the new Chair, Jennifer Roe and the Director of Elections, Lisa Bennett. It meant a lot to me.

I think the County is blessed with a good board that will serve the voters well in coming years.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Seventy Years Ago: Battle Of Kolombangara

The night of July 12/13, 1943, in the Solomons near Kolombangara, three light cruisers and ten destroyers of TG 36.1 (Rear Admiral Walden L. Ainsworth) engage one Japanese light cruiser (Jintsu) and five destroyers (Rear Admiral Izaki Shunji) escorting troop-carrying destroyers. Japanese torpedoes damage U.S. light cruisers Honolulu (CL-48) and St. Louis (CL-49), and New Zealand light cruiser HMNZS Leander (which has replaced the lost Helena (CL-50)). Destroyer Gwin (DD-433), damaged by torpedo, is scuttled by Ralph Talbot (DD-390). Destroyers Woodworth (DD-460) and Buchanan (DD-484) are damaged by collision. Japanese light cruiser Jintsu is sunk by cruiser gunfire and destroyer torpedo; and destroyer Yukikaze is damaged.

At this stage of the conflict, nearly two years into the war with Japan,The US Navy still had no idea about the range, speed and explosive power of the Japanese 24" Long Lance torpedo, carried by all Japanese cruisers and destroyers. US forces continued to close Japanese surface ships to fire their own torpedoes, not realizing they were well within range of the Long Lance.

Cruiser Helena was lost a week earlier in the nearby battle of Kula Gulf.

A single Long Lance torpedo did this damage to the bow of USS Honolulu.

Today's New York Times Debate - Is North Carolina A Good Model For State Budgets?

No, it isn't.

Here's the debate.

Later today I'll give my take on the issue. The real question is: "good for whom?"

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

First Candidate Files For Oriental Town Commissioner

I just learned that one Oriental resident has filed to run for Town Commissioner: Tony Tharp. Six and a half more days in the filing period.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 8th Hearing On Oriental Land Swap

Regular readers know that I filed a complaint last August against the Town of Oriental for bartering a public right of way (Avenue A) for a parcel of property.

Towns across the United States don't own public rights of way - they hold them in trust for the public. They may not sell rights of way, as the City of Los Angeles attempted to do in the 1920's. They may not barter a right of way.

This is as close to settled law as we have in municipal law.

But the Town of Oriental has put forward the novel proposition that they have the right to sell or exchange rights of way just like any other property they may own in fee simple. They even argued that legal theory in Pamlico County Superior Court and won dismissal of my complaint. Before the presiding judge entered his order, they closed a second public right of way (South Avenue) as a part of the exchange bargain.

I appealed the dismissal. Mr. Kirby Smith of New Bern is representing me in the appeal.

When the Town closed South Avenue, I filed a complaint about that action (there is only a thirty day window to complain).

The Town filed a motion to dismiss my South Avenue complaint and also filed a motion for sanctions against me for so filing.

The case was heard Monday afternoon. The judge did not grant either of the Town's motions. Instead, he stayed any further action on my complaint until after action by the Court of Appeals on my first complaint.

During the course of about a half-hour hearing, Judge Nobles seemed to understand my theory of the case enough to allow the possibility I might prevail. He utterly rejected the Town's motion for sanctions. "It is you who are at fault," he declared to Town attorney Scott Davis and Mayor Sage, "for the existence of two suits, not Mr. Cox."

He prudently decided to wait for the North Carolina Court of Appeals to act. I think it was a wise decision.

By the way, I am not the Lone Ranger in this effort. Many other residents of Oriental have supported and encouraged the effort at every step of the way.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fix The Potholes

Trying to explain what government actually does to people who don't believe in government can be very frustrating.

I have explained from time to time that the function of government is to fix potholes. Both figurative and literal potholes.

Anyone who has driven very far on our highways in recent years knows we have a lot of potholes.

Economist Mark Thoma posted an essay today on fixing things. It is worth reading.

In another post, Robert Frank writes from Berlin that "austerity doesn't work if the roof is leaking." Apparently the Germans have figured out they need to fix stuff. And it helps their economy.

Adam Smith And Cooperation Among Humans (And Dogs)

Not long ago, economic historian Brad Delong published some snippets of information for students in one of his courses. One snippet was a quote from Adam Smith about dogs and trading:

"Nobody ever saw a dog make a fair and deliberate exchange of one bone for another with another dog.... When an animal wants to obtain something either of a man or of another animal, it has no other means of persuasion but to gain the favour of those whose service it requires. A puppy fawns upon its dam, and a spaniel endeavours by a thousand attractions to engage the attention of its master who is at dinner, when it wants to be fed by him. Man sometimes uses the same arts with his brethren, and when he has no other means of engaging them to act according to his inclinations, endeavours by every servile and fawning attention to obtain their good will. He has not time, however, to do this upon every occasion. In civilised society he stands at all times in need of the cooperation and assistance of great multitudes, while his whole life is scarce sufficient to gain the friendship of a few persons....

"[M]an has almost constant occasion for the help of his brethren, and it is in vain for him to expect it from their benevolence only. He will be more likely to prevail if he can interest their self-love in his favour, and show them that it is for their own advantage to do for him what he requires of them. Whoever offers to another a bargain of any kind, proposes to do this. Give me that which I want, and you shall have this which you want, is the meaning of every such offer; and it is in this manner that we obtain from one another the far greater part of those good offices which we stand in need of. It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love...."

Jeff Weintraub observes that this passage from Adam Smith is both clever and deceptive. It sets up a false dichotomy and ignores other forms of cooperation among both dogs and man. Weintraub's essay is very much worth reading and can be found
here. Not everything works through the magic of the marketplace.

Friday, July 5, 2013

1776 For Economists - And Historians

1776 was not only the year of America's Declaration of Independence - it was the year Adam Smith published Wealth Of Nations.

As it turns out, Smith had quite a lot to say about colonies and colonizers. Here is a selection of his views. Of particular note is Smith's prediction: "From shopkeepers, tradesmen, and attornies, they are become statesmen and legislators, and are employed in contriving a new form of government for an extensive empire, which, they flatter themselves, will become, and which, indeed, seems very likely to become, one of the greatest and most formidable that ever was in the world."

150 Years Ago: July 4 At Vicksburg And Gettysburg

Many momentous events in American history have occurred on July 4. The first announcement of the Declaration of Independence was just one of many.

July 4, 1826: former Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on that day;
July 4, 1831: former President James Madison died;
July 4, 1863: Confederate forces surrendered at Vicksburg, ending a long siege and putting the Union in command of the entire length of the Mississippi River, cutting the Confederacy in half and isolating the West;
July 4, 1863: Confederate forces at Gettysburg under command of Robert E. Lee begin a long retreat that was to end nearly two years later at Appomattox.

July 4, 1943: Task Group 36.1 moves into position for assault on New Georgia, Solomons Islands the following day, beginning in earnest the long retreat of Japanese forces that was to end two years later in Tokyo Bay.

Today's New York Times prints a thoughtful essay by Paul Krugman, entitled e pluribus unum. I recommend the essay, though I have a slightly different take on some of Krugman's thoughts.

"Is America in 2013," Krugman asks, "in any meaningful sense, the same country that declared independence in 1776?" Krugman's answer is "yes."

My answer is "maybe."

Krugman emphasizes on the one hand how different the country is now from 1776:
"America in 1776," he points out,  "was a rural land, mainly composed of small farmers and, in the South, somewhat bigger farmers with slaves. And the free population consisted of, well, WASPs: almost all came from northwestern Europe, 65 percent came from Britain, and 98 percent were Protestants."

Ethnically, he emphasizes, "we are...very different from the founders. Only a minority of today’s Americans are descended from the WASPs and slaves of 1776. The rest are the descendants of successive waves of immigration: first from Ireland and Germany, then from Southern and Eastern Europe, now from Latin America and Asia. We’re no longer an Anglo-Saxon nation; we’re only around half-Protestant; and we’re increasingly nonwhite."

I am one of that diminishing minority of Americans descended from the WASPS of 1776. All of my ancestors were here by then.

Before I buy into Krugman's assurances that "we are still the same country that declared independence all those years ago," I feel compelled to point out that from the beginning of our history, Americans have had vastly different visions of what the country is and should be.

From 1789 until 1865, there was a clear conflict between the vision of 1776 ("all men are created equal") and the vision of the Constitutional Convention, which facilitated slavery and other serious constraints on liberty. Even so, the Constitution gave lip service to "form a more perfect union" and "secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity."

Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address rescued the vision of 1776 from obscurity. The thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments went far toward incorporating that vision as an integral element of the Constitution.

A good thing to remember in this Sesquicentennial year of America's Civil War.

We remain a Democracy. Securing the blessings of liberty is still up to us.  


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pamlico County Municipal Elections

Municipal elections in North Carolina occur in November of every odd-numbered year. In case you missed it, 2013 is an odd number.

So you don't have to worry about the election for four more months, right?

Not exactly. As Town Dock reminds us this morning, if you want to run for municipal office, you need to file your candidacy during the filing period beginning noon Friday, July 5, 2013 and ending at noon July 19.

Even if you don't want to run for office but would like to see some new office holders, talk to others about running. Encourage them.

It matters.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Court Hearing(s) Update: July 8 Schedule

We've been a bit busy moving back into our hurricane damaged home Unfinished but livable), so I have made few posts. Here's what's new:

Town of Oriental has filed a motion to dismiss my appeal of the closing of South Avenue: On calendar for Pamlico County Court House at 2:00 pm July 8;
Kirby Smith, attorney retained to pursue my appeal of the order Judge Alford entered April 10 granting Town's motion to dismiss my appeal of closing of Avenue A, has filed a motion for a stay: On calendar for Pamlico County Court House at 2:00 pm July 8;
I have filed a motion for a temporary injunction against further actions by Town transferring rights of way to Chris Fulcher or anyone else until after completion of appellate process;
Town of Oriental has filed a motion against me alleging that I violated Rule 11 of North Carolina Civil Procedures and seeking sanctions: On calendar for Pamlico County Court House at 2:00 pm July 8.

Busy Monday at court next week.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hearing On Town Of Oriental Motion To Dismiss: Cox v. Oriental

I just received notice from the Town's attorneys putting a hearing on the calendar for their motion to dismiss.

The hearing will be July 8 at 2:00 PM or as soon thereafter as possible. It will be held in the Pamlico County Court House. More detail later.

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Sequester - Destructive And Dumb

Have I mentioned before how destructive and stupid the sequester is?

We are seeing the total failure of government. People are being hurt. The economy is being hurt.

I say again: We don't have a deficit problem - we have a jobs problem! The federal government should spend more money, not less, until employment returns.

Do you want to know just exactly what and who is being harmed by the sequester? Check out Jared Bernstein's blog here.

On Weather

Mark Twain once observed that everybody talks about the weather, but no one ever does anything about it.

About three o'clock this morning, the rain began to fall. It came in waves.

When I got up at 6:00, I checked the weather forecast on Town Dock, as I usually do. I found the probability of precipitation to be 7%. It is now twenty minutes after 8:00, and the rain is still pouring down. It is thundering as well.

Something seems to be amiss.

When I was ten years old, people explained any unusual or unwanted weather as being "because of those atomic bomb tests."

Today we know better.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

New Web Site About Suit Against Town Of Oriental

Readers may have noticed I haven't said much lately about the suit I filed against the Town of Oriental.

Mostly, I want the complaint to be processed in the courts. That's the only institution that can undo the Town's actions.

In the meantime, there has been a lot of information and misinformation about what I am doing and why I am doing it.

Here is a web site, ncpublictrust.org, that explains what is at stake. Take a look. If you have any questions, you can comment on this blog or send an e-mail to info@ncpublictrust.org. 

The site will be updated as new information becomes available.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Oriental Town Budget

Last Monday, the Town Board held a public hearing on the budget for 2013-2014. Not many members of the public attended the 5:30 meeting, and there were few public comments. It took only a few minutes for the Town Board to approve the budget ordinance for the coming year.

Earlier this Spring, as reported in Town Dock, the Board considered a proposal to raise taxes to cover expenses resulting from my suit against the Town. Town Dock explained: "There will not be an increase in property taxes, even though, this spring, Commissioners had bounced that idea around for a week or two. Town Manager Bob Maxbauer claimed a tax hike was necessary to pay the town’s attorneys to fight lawsuits over the South Avenue and Avenue A rights of way. (Resident Dave Cox has sued the Town, saying towns can’t exchange or sell rights of way, as Oriental did in the Chris Fulcher land swap.

"Maxbauer wanted the Board to raise taxes 3 cents for every $100 valuation which would have brought in $63,000 – even though the Town’s attorney has estimated the cost of the lawsuit and appeal could run between $20,000 and $50,000. Commissioner Sherrill Styron said at one budget meeting that he wanted at least a penny tax to “make David Cox look bad” but in the end, the Board declined, in this election year, to raise the property tax at all."

I assume that Sherrill Styron's remark about raising taxes to make me look bad was offered in jest.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

SCOTUS Gets It Right

Last week's decision by the Supreme Court disallowing patents for naturally occurring genes represents the final triumph of common sense.

So how come the patent office has been granting such patents for 30 years?

One thing the case shows is that foolish government actions can be overurned in our court system, but only if someone complains.

Long live complainants (otherwise known as plaintiffs).

Monday, June 17, 2013

Tell Me Again About Our Great Recovery

Those who think the economy is taking off should take a look at the following graph from the Federal Reserve:


I think this graph tells us a lot more about the economy than "unemployment" figures. The problem with unemployment figures is the way they are calculated. If you keep looking for work and run out of unemployment benefits, by definition you no longer count as part of the work force. Therefore you are not unemployed.

The employment to population ratio shows how many are employed, an easier and more stable figure. Not much improvement lately.

It didn't have to be this way. We needed to focus on putting people back to work. We have a jobs problem, not a deficit problem.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Have We Been Derped?

Actually, I'm still a bit unsure as to whether Derp is just a noun, or whether it can be a verb as well.

What is a derp? Economist Noah Smith in his blog Noahpinion gives a complete and somewhat humorous explanation here.

It turns out it is connected with epistemology and also with Bayesian analysis. And posteriors.

It explains why some people aren't interested in evidence.

Paul Krugman has a discussion of derpiness here. Even conservative economists use the term.

As for epistemology, epistemic closure (meaning closed minds) can have real world consequences. Here, for example.

This problem has been around for a long time in human affairs. Ecclesiastes had something to say about it:

"...wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness. The wise have eyes in their heads, while the fool walks in the darkness...." Ecclesiastes 2:13-14.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

When Did You First Hear That Public Schools Were Failing?

I started school in the first grade (we had no kindergarten) in Greenwood, Mississippi in September, 1943. We had one first grade teacher and no teaching assistants for over thirty students. Our reader was Dick and Jane.

I never heard anyone complain that public schools were failing.

In third and fourth grade, I attended school in a two-room, four grade country school house in rural Tulsa County, OK. The room was spartan. No library. No hall. We entered class through a door leading directly outside. There was no bathroom. Only an outdoor privy. I rode a bus over an hour to get there.

No one complained that public schools were failing.

I attended fifth and started sixth grade in temporary classrooms in Midwest City, OK. There was one teacher for over thirty students.

No one complained that the schools were failing.

I completed sixth through eighth grades in a rural school East of Oklahoma City. There were two grades in each classroom. I had the same teacher for all four grades. Many of my classmates had never set foot out of Oklahoma County. Many had never visited the state capital, ten miles away. Many students quit when they reached sixteen.

No one complained the schools were failing.

I was taken by bus ten miles into Oklahoma City for ninth and tenth grades. On the school grounds, older boys bullied younger ones and stole lunch money. Ninth grade students showed up for class some mornings drunk. Some stole cars and went joy riding. Most smoked. Many were sexually active from about the seventh grade on. Teachers were mediocre.

No one ever said the schools were failing.

We moved to Anchorage, Alaska. I walked two miles to school every day through snow drifts, often in below zero weather before sunrise.

No one ever said the schools were failing.

I graduated from the University of Mississippi and eventually received graduate degrees from Tufts and Harvard. I had no trouble competing.

Apparently I wasn't irreparably damaged by all those public schools.

Oh, by the way, what did those schools have in common? They were segregated (except for Anchorage - we had one African American in the high school).

When did I first start hearing that public schools were failing? Not until after school integration.

Could there be a connection?

Here's a good article from Huffington Post by an author who sends his children to public schools. He explains why.

My children also went to public schools. They aren't noticeably deprived or intellectually deficient.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Who watches the watchers?

Juvenal: Satires, Book VI

Sequester: A Destructive Solution To A Non-Problem

Two years ago, the newspapers and TV pundits were warning about a vast "debt crisis."

There never was a debt crisis. There were substantial deficits resulting from the economic collapse from our real estate bubble. Economic collapse and resulting loss of jobs triggered increased expenditures on the social safety net and reduced revenue.

This was not a problem - it is a feature of our economy. It is called "counter-cyclical" expenditure, and is designed to moderate the business cycle and prevent the economy from going into a tailspin. This time, the economic collapse was so severe, it took additional measures to avoid a collapse.

It could have been worse. Much worse.

By now, it could be much better, had we acted on a scale required by the situation. But especially after the 2010 election, the House of Representatives, under Republican leadership, did everything they could to sabotage recovery.

In early 2011, the newly sworn-in Republican House threatened to shut down the government if they didn't get their way.

The result was the sequester bill.

Just as recovery was beginning to happen (though more vigorous recovery efforts would have speeded things up), the sequester is now kicking in. As a nation, we are pressing on the brake while trying to accelerate up the on-ramp of recovery.

Bad idea.

Here's what I had to say about it two years ago.

The underlying problem isn't getting better.

Friday, June 14, 2013

More On Communications Intelligence

I realize my previous post on communications intelligence might have been a bit much for some readers. My excuse is that I was personally fascinated with the case of Stanley Johnston revealing through the Chicago Tribune that the US knew in advance where and when the Japanese would attack Midway. How Johnston may have learned of this remains a bit speculative.

What I find equally interesting is that Johnston, who was embarked as a journalist aboard USS Lexington (CV-2) during the battle of the Coral Sea, seems not to have been aware of the role played by communications intelligence in that battle. How did the US fleet know to be where they were at the time they were in order to engage the Japanese?

Johnston's book, Queen Of The Flattops, about the last days and eventual loss of Lexington remains a masterpiece of war coverage.

Two movies about the war in the Pacific provide some information about the role of communications intelligence: "Tora! Tora! Tora!" and "Midway." My favorite is Tora! Tora! Tora!

A recent series on public television, "Bletchley Circle," touches on the special skills of the (mostly women) who worked on breaking German codes during WWII.

Two works by Alexander Solzhenitsyn are of interest. In August, 1914, Solzhenitsyn describes the utter disaster of the Russian army at the Battle of Tannenberg, largely due to administrative incompetence in delivering radio code books to the field in time for the attack. As a result, Russian forces could only communicate with each other in the clear. The Germans knew every Russian move in advance. Whether the code books would have been effective had they been distributed is another question.

During the Winter War of 1939 between Finland and the Soviet Union, it is said that Finnish forces intercepted encrypted Soviet radio communications, transmitted the intercepts to Swedish experts at Uppsala University. The intercepts were decrypted and the information sent back to Finland. This intelligence enabled Finnish ski troops to operate with devastating effectiveness against Soviet units.

The other related book by Solzhenitsyn is First Circle. That book describes the work of Soviet convicts in developing technical means of voice recognition to identify a dissident from a recording.

These efforts were all forerunners of today's cyberwar.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Communications Intelligence: Press Disclosures In 1942 - Chicago Tribune

The Snowden affair calls to mind an earlier history of U.S. Intelligence efforts targeting communications. In the 1920's and 30's, the United States targeted foreign diplomatic and military communications. The early origins of the effort remain murky. The entire field of cryptography and cryptanalysis burgeoned after the introduction of radio communications. Intercepted radio message traffic provided intelligence analysts vast quantities of material to exploit. During World War I, the main target was Germany.

After WWI, for a time the effort continued using combined resources of the Army, Navy, State Department and Justice, under leadership of Herbert Yardley, who had headed the Army's communications intelligence effort during the Great War. This effort, known officially as the Cipher Bureau and unofficially as the American Black Chamber, continued until it was closed during the Hoover Administration in an apparent economy measure. Or, alternatively, it was closed as a result of Secretary of State Stimson's discomfort with the program. "Gentlemen don't read each other's mail," he declared.

Japan had been a major target of US communications intelligence which played a key role in US diplomatic success during the Washington Naval Conference of 1922. The Navy began its own effort at communications intelligence in 1926 (probably building on earlier efforts). Here is an account of the Navy's efforts leading up to WWII.

Something to bear in mind is that US Government efforts to intercept, decode, translate and distribute foreign message traffic was in clear violation of the Telecommunications Act of 1934. These efforts, which played a key role in US operational success in both oceans during WWII, continued to violate US law until an exception was made by statute in 1978.

In the intervening decades, there were several instances of inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure of US communications intelligence. Here is an account of what happened in 1942 concerning one such unauthorized disclosure concerning Midway:

The Battle of Midway continued long after the combatants retired. Because of the confusion that surrounded the nascent and relatively unfamiliar U.S. Navy policies governing secrecy and need to know in 1942, the Battle of Midway was refought in the newspapers and courthouses of three major U.S. cities - New York, Chicago, and Washington - for several weeks after the battle actually ended. At issue was how the Navy knew of Japanese plans, how that knowledge came into the possession of a newspaper reporter, and how the government should handle a serious security violation. In the end no one was ever formally punished for revealing to the public the role communications intelligence played in the Japanese defeat. Whether the Japanese ever discovered that U.S. cryptologists had successfully penetrated their most secret operational code, or even suspected the magnitude of the warning provided by COMINT, remains a matter of conjecture to this day. At the time, however, officials within OP-20-G were certain that subsequent almost draconian corrections in Japanese communications procedures and cryptography were traceable directly to the following events.
On 17 May 1942, the survivors of the Lexington were en route to San Diego and San Francisco aboard the USS Barnett and the USS Elliot. (One account said that Admiral Fitch and Captain Sherman were aboard the transport Chester.) Anticipating their arrival in the United States, CINCPAC sent the following message to Admiral Fletcher, CTF 17, with information copies to COMINCH and the Commandants of the 11th and 12th Naval Districts:
It is imperative that all survivors Coral Sea action being returned Mainland be instructed that they are to refrain from any mention of the action upon their arrival west coast port. Com11 is requested berth transports where debarkation can be conducted without contact with newsmen. All personnel will probably require reoutfitting. There will be no publicity regarding this matter until Navy Department release. Barnett and Elliot will stop at San Diego to discharge excess personnel en route San Francisco. 
Despite these precautions by CINCPAC, events aboard the Barnett resulted in even more damaging revelations than those CINCPAC had hoped to prevent. In ancillary actions, CINCPAC learned that medical reports filed in Navy Bureau of Medicine channels revealed the status of American carriers after the battle. In a hasty message on 3 June 1942, CINCPAC notified COMINCH and requested immediate action to suppress the errant reports. At 2050 on 8 June 1942, COMINCH sent the following message to CINCPAC:
Contents of your 311221 May were published almost verbatim in several newspapers yesterday. Article originated with correspondent Stanley Johnson [sic] embarked on [USS] Barnett until June 2d. While your despatch was addressed Task Force Commanders it was sent in channel available to nearly all ships which emphasizes need of care in using channels para. Cominch investigating on Barnett and at San Diego. 
CINCPAC's message of 311221 May contained his final appreciation of the Japanese order of battle prior to Midway.
True to his word, COMINCH immediately convened several formal inquiry panels, which began gathering depositions from witnesses. The panels inquired into the circumstances aboard the Barnett, which, in addition to most of the crew, carried the executive officer of the Lexington, Commander Morton T. Seligman, and a newspaper correspondent, Mr. Stanley Johnston, back to the United States, and in Chicago in the headquarters Colonel R.R. McCormick's newspaper, the Chicago Tribune, where the story had originated. According to Admiral King's biographer, Thomas B. Buell in Master of Seapower, Admiral King "was in a white fury at his headquarters while his staff frantically tried to discover the source of the leak."
By 11 June all of the principals had been interviewed. Those aboard the Barnett were interviewed more than once. Out of this work emerged a very unpleasant picture of official neglect and confusion concerning the safeguarding of communications intelligence both on the Barnett and in the newspapers. Because of the perception that newsmen accompanying U.S. forces were sworn to secrecy, indictments of the principal employees of the Chicago Tribune were sought on 9 June, even before the inquiries were completed. They were returned on 7 July by a Chicago grand jury. At this point serious snags appeared at every turn, and the matter lay in the hands of the grand jury and a special prosecutor for several weeks while the navy added depositions to a record that increasingly showed that Johnston, a British subject, had, with the help or negligence of others, betrayed the trust placed in him.
While many in the navy focused on finding a suitable punishment for Johnston, COMINCH issued another memorandum on 20 June 1942 similar to those he had originated in March and April. It was sent to CINCLANT, CINCPAC, and CDR- SWPACFORCE bearing the subject "Control of Dissemination and Use of Radio Intelligence." Within the navy this would prove to be the only remedial action to come out of the Johnston case.
On 24 June the New York newspaper PM published a story without attribution announcing that the Justice Department did not plan to prosecute anyone, either in the newspapers or in the U.S. Navy, as a result of their role in the revelations. Ironically, three days later the navy discovered that Johnston's own government had earlier declared him "unreliable" as a correspondent. It was the same government, however, that subsequently forged the ultimate solution by addressing the correlation between the Johnston revelations and safeguarding communications intelligence.
On 14 July, the special prosecutor, Mr. William D. Mitchell, transmitted his comprehensive "Report on the Chicago Tribune Case" to Attorney General Francis Biddle and Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox. His conclusion, after he had reviewed the law, the evidence, and the circumstances surrounding the "leak," ended by suggesting that "the game may not be worth the candle" and that the national effort would be better served if the case were dropped.
In the mind of the special prosecutor, none of his major reasons for dropping the case concerned the safeguarding of communications intelligence. Three salient points concerning the merits of the government's case were cited instead. All were related to the personal behavior of the principals: "1) Johnston said (on 8 June) that he got the information from a paper he found on his desk; 2) Two officers testified seeing Seligman working at a table in his quarters and that before him was a 'writing on Navy paper' giving a list of Jap vessels divided into a 'striking force, support force, etc.'; 3) If, as appears likely, some officer left a copy of that dispatch lying around, it may fairly be said there was as much carelessness on the ship as the Tribune was guilty of, and the Jury may think so." 
No further action was taken until 15 August 1942, when the British Admiralty delegation in Washington sent a letter to Admiral King expressing concern that the Hearst revelations posed a danger to special intelligence methods, that a trial would further compromise this source, and that "preservation of this invaluable weapon outweighs almost any other consideration." King's reply reassured the British that the U.S. Navy would not do anything to increase the harm already inflicted by the original news story.  Five days later, the Chicago Daily Tribune carried the front page story, "U.S. Jury Clears Tribune." This story signaled the end of the grand jury investigation, though no reasons were ever given to the press by Mr. Mitchell, the special prosecutor.
What were the facts in the strange case of Stanley Johnston? As noted above, CINCPAC 311221Z May 42, was the message that passed CINCPAC's final appreciation of the Japanese order of battle for the Battle of Midway to the commanders of Task Forces 16 and 17, Admirals Spruance and Fletcher, respectively. The message was passed in communications channels available to other ships. Contrary to normal practices, which expected communicators to ignore traffic not addressed to their ship or commander, it was probably decoded by communications officers from the Lexington en route home from the loss of their ship at Coral Sea, who were acting as watch standers aboard the transport USS Barnett (AP11). Their reason for doing so may have been the presence of the Lexington's executive officer, Commander Morton Seligman. The message was given to Commander Seligman, who, apparently under the impression that he was authorized to do so, showed the message to Johnston, who had been aboard the Lexington during the battle and was being evacuated with the crew. Johnston and Seligman may have shared the same quarters aboard the Barnett
On 7 June 1942, five days after Johnston's arrival in San Diego and one day after CINCPAC's "POA Communique #3" appeared announcing "a momentous U.S. victory," Johnston's story of U.S. foreknowledge of Japanese forces and their plans appeared in the Chicago Tribune and other newspapers in Washington and New York. The headlines that introduced the story on page 4A in the Washington Times Herald for 7 June 1942 revealed without a doubt that the author had been privy to secret material concerning Japanese intentions and strategy: "U.S. KNEW ALL ABOUT JAP FLEET. GUESSED THERE WOULD BE A FEINT AT ONE BASE, REAL ATTACK AT ANOTHER."
Though he could not know the extent of the duplicity involved, Walter Winchell, in his column in the New York Daily Mirror, characterized the Tribune as having "tossed security out the window." Understandably, Johnston's repeated denials that he had ever seen CINCPAC's message were received with cynical disbelief in Washington. Even his media superiors readily admitted they could not otherwise account for the similarities. 
On 8 June, following an inconclusive meeting between high naval and newspaper officials, Johnston and his editor in Washington, Arthur Henning, met privately with Vice Admiral Russell Willson, Admiral King's chief of staff. It was during this meeting, as noted by the special prosecutor, that Johnston may have contradicted himself (Admiral Willson was to say that Johnston "confessed") and admitted seeing a list of Japanese vessels.  With the concurrence of the secretary of the navy and the president, Admiral King barred Seligman from promotion forever. Seligman retired in 1944.
OP-20-G's assessment of the damage done by the Johnston revelations took a long time to develop primarily because the Japanese themselves were slow to change their procedures. Nevertheless, OP-20-G maintained it was no mere coincidence that within a few weeks of the Johnston expose drastic changes were made in virtually all Japanese codes and ciphers including the Japanese Fleet General-Purpose System, which changed on 15 August, only two months into the current cipher. Consistent with these changes, navy monitors also noted the omission of message serial numbers beginning on 15 August and a major change in the Japanese callsign system on 1 October 1942. 
All of the Japanese refinements were justifiably described by OP-20-G analysts as serious threats to their capability to produce current intelligence.  Thus, it is difficult to say at this point that a single event occurred that prompted Admiral King to decide what course of action he would take. It may have been OP-20-G's concern that a jury trial would have even more painful consequences than those already experienced, or Admiral Willson's reading of the meeting he had had with Johnston, or the trauma of preparing highly classified testimony to be given before a Chicago grand jury. Clearly, Admiral King had decided not to implement the 7 July grand jury indictment when he responded to the British letter in August; and the evidence suggests, albeit weakly, that as early as 20 June he had begun to regret even seeking the indictment.
Throughout the Johnston affair, OP-20-G consistently sought a plausible cover story to minimize the damage already done. They appealed to King for future safeguards to prevent the loss of a vital advantage to the navy. King's reiteration of his restrictions on distribution on 20 June, while perhaps not all that OP-20-G wanted, strongly suggested that these appeals were heard.
Questions concerning the appropriate applications of communications intelligence to wartime emergencies of all types continued to arise. One problem addressed in December 1942 affected how newspapermen and radio broadcasters treated information they knew originated from enemy communications. A new paragraph was prepared for insertion in the "Code of Wartime Practices for the American Press" by the secretaries of war and navy and sent to the director of censorship for implementation:
To the end that the enemy may not have information concerning any success the U.S. may attain in deciphering his encoded or enciphered communications, no mention should be made of available or captured enemy codes or enemy ciphers, or about the intelligence gained from intercepting and studying enemy radio messages.
A prestigious trade journal gave immediate approval to the addition while at the same time registering the idea that after the war censorship should not continue. After citing a post-Pearl Harbor report that "monstrously exaggerated" U.S. losses as an example of irresponsible behavior, the editorial concluded with some ideas that are still relevant:
As between an ethical professional requirement that a journalist hold nothing back and a patriotic duty not to shoot one's own soldiers in the back, we have found no difficulty in making a choice. Freedom of the press does not carry with it a general license to reveal our secret strengths and weaknesses to the enemy. 
It was not until 1985 that anyone from the Pacific COMINT centers received any formal recognition for his contribution to either the Coral Sea or Midway victories. In 1985, in response to a massive outpouring of affection from his friends, Joseph Rochefort received the Distinguished Service Medal posthumously from the secretary of the navy. For the rest, their epitaph was most fittingly expressed by a perfect stranger many years later:
History, with its flickering lamp, stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days. What is the worth of all this? The only guide to man is his conscience. The only shield to his memory is the rectitude and sincerity of his actions. It is very imprudent to walk through life without this shield, because we are so often mocked by the failure of our hopes and the upsetting of our calculations, but with this shield, however the fates may play, we march always in the ranks of honour. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Less Or Fewer? Not Just A Linguistic Pet Peeve - A Logic Trap

Yesterday's Scientific American addressed in a blog one of my linguistic pet peeves: the increasingly common failure of speakers to distinguish between meaning and usage of "less" and "fewer."

It seems mighty simple to me. If you count it, the reduction in number is referred to as "fewer." If you measure it, the word is "less."

Scientific American explains the distinction as deriving from the mathematical concepts of "continuous," which applies to things you measure, or "discrete," applying to things you count. Here is the article.

Return With Us Now To The Thrilling Days Of Yesteryear

Many commentators have observed that North Carolina is rapidly undoing a century of relatively progressive legislation. In Yesterday's Washington Post, Katrina vanden Heuvel explains how that came about.

The answer: money.

NSA, Metadata And History

Recent disclosures that NSA has been collecting data, perhaps massive amounts of so-called meta data, on telephone, internet and social network communications calls to mind some history.

From the very beginning of the Republic - and even before, intelligence played a major role in our revolution. Consider the mobilization of patriots in New England to resist and outwit the Redcoats intending to seize the arms and military provisions of the local militia. There was not only the midnight ride of Paul Revere (and others) that fateful 18th of April in '75. There was all the preparatory work.

The Concord militia removed their heavy cannon from the armory and buried the big guns in hidden locations. They relocated gunpowder and other supplies. They hid as much of the other provisions and weapons as they could. How did they know what the British intended? Intelligence. Collected by bartenders, artisans and ordinary citizens who interacted with soldiers and officers in their every day dealings. Their observations came together in time to warn militia of the British move on Lexington and Concord.

Make no mistake, the British were collecting intelligence as well. But they faced the same dilemma that occupiers throughout history have faced - whom to trust and how to evaluate the information gathered. In today's parlance - how to tell the "good guys" from the "bad guys." Even worse, how to suppress the insurrectionists without arousing animosity among those on the fence? They never solved the problem.

And what of Paul Revere?

Suppose the British had been able to uncover the role of key individuals, illuminate their relationships and round up the leaders? Could they have done this without overhearing actual conversations or intercepting letters?

Suppose all they had was a list of members of various New England organizations. What could they have learned?

As it turns out, they might have been able to arrest and interrogate the whole conspiracy. One of the keys was Paul Revere.

Last week, Kieran Healey, a Duke University Sociologist, posted a very interesting examination of how the British might have been able to use what is now called "metadata" to catch Paul Revere.  Metadata is apparently what NSA is collecting from Google, Verizon and other sources. Here is his post.

Here is a more detailed article on Paul Revere's ride by political scientist Shin-Kap Han. The metadata in both articles is drawn from David Hackett Fisher's book, Paul Revere's Ride. Another of David Hackett Fisher's books, Washington's Crossing, gives a good feel for the effectiveness of Washington's intelligence networks during the campaign in New Jersey and the increasing frustration of British intelligence.

All of this preceded the U.S. Constitution.

Even the central trade offs between liberty and security - a dilemma of the present age, was apparent before the Constitution:

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

Benjamin Franklin, 1775

Sunday, June 9, 2013

How To Have Economic Prosperity: Advice From Venture Capitalist

Nick Hanauer, wealthy venture capitalist, has been advising the country for the past few years how to become more prosperous: put more money in the hands of consumers. He recently repeated his advice at a Senate hearing. Here is his testimony. It is worth reading the entire presentation.

In some respects, Hanauer's explanation isn't much different from Henry Ford's insight when he paid his factory workers higher than the going wage. If his workers couldn't afford to buy his product, Ford realized, then his own enterprise wouldn't prosper. The super wealthy keep forgetting that insight.

Hanauer gets it right

"When someone like me calls himself a job creator, it sounds like we are describing how the economy works. What we are actually doing is making a claim on status, power and privileges.The extraordinary differential between the 15-20% tax rate on capital gains, dividends, and carried interest for capitalists, and the 39% top marginal rate on work for ordinary Americans is just one of those privileges.
We’ve had it backward for the last 30 years. Rich businesspeople like me don’t create jobs. Rather, jobs are a consequence of an ecosystemic feedback loop animated by middle- class consumers, and when they thrive, businesses grow and hire, and owners profit in a virtuous cycle of increasing returns that benefits everyone."

Saturday, June 8, 2013

On Knowledge

People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.
— Isaac Asimov

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Just a reminder that sixty-nine years ago today, Allied troops stormed ashore on the landing beaches of Normandy, establishing a beachhead in France. Less than a year later, Germany surrendered. The United States was at war with Germany about three and a half years from declaration of war to surrender.

Al Gore And The Internet

In the 1980's I was in the computer industry, owning a small information technology company with a very small Defense contract. We communicated with other contractors and research centers using e-mail, long before the internet. We communicated over a network developed for Defense, known as Arpanet.

I became aware that a technically savvy member of Congress, one of the so-called "Atari Democrats," was pressing to open up this network for public, even commercial use. This was opposed by most Arpanet users in the research business. But the Atari Democrat in question kept pressing. That person was Al Gore. He eventually got his way.

I just came across an article here that gives a more complete story of Al Gore's role.

No, Al Gore didn't discover Global Warming, either. Scientists did that. Al Gore just let the rest of us know about it and described what needs to be done.

That's what leaders do.

Man With A Beard And Glasses

Have you heard the one about the stranger who came to the Town of Oriental looking for advice? He was looking for a particular sage experienced in boating. He came to the Bean to inquire of the regulars. "Joe?" The regular asked, just to pin the questioner down. "No problem. He's the old guy with glasses and a beard."

The stranger soon found out the description matches half the male population of Oriental.

Now suppose you are looking for an economist. Here's the account of that search.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Will D. Campbell (Alias Rev. Will B. Dunn) 1925-2013

Today's News and Observer announces the death Monday of the Reverend Will D. Campbell. The article provides a lot of background concerning Will Campbell's ground breaking work in Civil Rights that preceded the formal Civil Rights movement.

When I knew him, Will was Director of Religious Life at the University of Mississippi from about 1954 until the University encouraged him to leave in 1956. University authorities claimed that he wasn't fired, he just left to follow other paths. Right.

 The word avuncular was invented to describe Will Campbell. His head was egg-shaped, topped by a prematurely bald, avuncular dome. He smoked a  curved-stem avuncular pipe. In a discussion group, he stimulated discussions with avuncular questions.

Though he had been a preacher since he was ordained at the age of 17, he was never the flamboyant kind. It was only a year or two after he was ordained that Will answered his country's call and went off to World War II. It was his return from that war that transformed him and led him to what was to become his life's work. When the troop train reached the Mason-Dixon line, the soldiers, who had mingled freely in the railroad cars until then, were rearranged into segregated cars. "That's not right," Will recognized immediately.

Will used the GI Bill to go to college, eventually completing his BD at Yale. As Director of Religious Life at the University of Mississippi, he encouraged students to rethink the social arrangements referred to at the time as "the Southern Way of Life."

He was a dangerous man. Controversy dogged his heels.

In 1956, there was the Kershaw incident involving the Reverend Al Kershaw, a television quiz program, jazz music and the NAACP. That's a story for a later post.

There was another incident involving a student delegate from Ole Miss to the national Y convention.

The most famous incident involved a ping pong game in the Y building on campus.

I will share all of these stories at some point.

After leaving Ole Miss, Will worked for the National Council of Churches Department of Racial and Cultural relations. He appeared in Little Rock during integration of Central High, working behind the scenes to convince ministers to do the right thing. His success was limited.

He became an itinerant preacher and writer. He called himself a "bootleg preacher."

Will believed that, at least in the South, no people had more interests in common than the downtrodden African Americans and poor white rednecks.

In 1957, Will made a furtive visit back to Oxford, Mississippi. Will wasn't furtive about it, but the campus authorities placed furtive measures in place to make sure he didn't make his way back to the campus. A few of us met with Will at a local eatery. By then, we knew of his association with the Southern Christian Leadership Council. Someone asked him about Martin Luther King. "The man's a saint," Will replied.

My favorite book by Will Campbell is Providence, an account of what in Holmes County we always called Providence Plantation. He calls it Providence Farm, a not quite successful interracial collective farm eventually run out of (as in expelled from) Holmes County by the good, hard-working white folks around Tchula.

Will wasn't nationally famous. Might not have thought he did much good. But he did what he could among the people he knew best, with the tools at his command.

I think it's hard to ask for more than that.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Oriental Town Board Meeting June 4, 2013

Interesting meeting at Town Hall tonight. Much talk about the water board. If there is such a thing.

I have written about what it needs to do. Just search for "water board." Check it out.

Monday, June 3, 2013

WSJ Logic On Bicycles

Yesterday, I expressed puzzlement at the Wall Street Journal's rant about New York City's new program to make it easier for visitors to rent bicycles. "The logic escapes me," I wrote. It seems such a good idea to have more bicycles and fewer automobiles. I have long thought that driving a car to get where you want to go provides only the illusion of freedom, not the real thing.

Travel in Europe, where you can get to where you want to go using high quality, readily available and frequent public transportation, frees commuters and tourists alike from a lot of aggravation. Not to mention expense. It also frees young people not old enough to drive as well as their parents from needing or providing family taxi service. This seems a good thing. Before I was old enough to drive, I was able to get around perfectly well on my bicycle. In those days, the mid to late 40's, my family had only one car.

Paul Krugman has cleared up my confusion. The Wall Street Journal, he explains, isn't defending the rights of those who want to drive themselves from place to place, but to prevent annoyance to those who are routinely driven from place to place. It's a class thing. It's about wealth, power and deference.

Bicyclists don't respect their betters.

Now I understand.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Ben Bernanke's Suggestions

Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve System and former Princeton professor, spoke at this year's Princeton commencement ceremony. He offered ten suggestions, or perhaps ten observations.

One of his observations was about the practical use of the study of economics. First wryly explaining that economic analysis is superb at explaining to policymakers why the choices they made in the past were wrong, it was not so useful at predicting the future.  "Careful economic analysis," he explained, though,  "does have one important benefit, which is that it can help kill ideas that are completely logically inconsistent or wildly at variance with the data. This insight covers at least 90 percent of proposed economic policies."

Economics blogger Bill McBride commented on Bernanke's comment that it "is at odds with the sequestration budget cuts, "debt ceiling" nonsense, expansionary austerity, and more. I wish data and careful analysis could actually kill bad ideas, but I'm not sure what Paul Ryan would do with his life."

Wall Street Journal: New York City Is Totalitarian

According to the Wall Street Journal, New York City has become totalitarian because it is making rental bicycles readily available to visitors.

There may be logic to the WSJ attack, but it escapes me. Here is an article explaining the WSJ complaint and providing a link to the relevant video.

Military Benefits

Yesterday's Washington Post headline, "plan to shut military supermarkets shows difficulty of cutting defence spending" brought to mind a poem by Rudyard Kipling. To be sure, in this day and age Americans serving in the military and those who have served are treated better than the "Tommy" of Kipling's poem. But I sense a certain dismissal of the concerns of servicemen that probably comes from many sources. But there are some national undertakings that should not be parsimoniously funded.

Here is Kipling's picture of the contempt with which some civilians treat soldiers:


I went into a public-'ouse to get a pint o' beer,
The publican 'e up an' sez, "We serve no red-coats here."
The girls be'ind the bar they laughed an' giggled fit to die,
I outs into the street again an' to myself sez I:
O it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, go away";
But it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play,
The band begins to play, my boys, the band begins to play,
O it's "Thank you, Mister Atkins", when the band begins to play.

I went into a theatre as sober as could be,
They gave a drunk civilian room, but 'adn't none for me;
They sent me to the gallery or round the music-'alls,
But when it comes to fightin', Lord! they'll shove me in the stalls!
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, wait outside";
But it's "Special train for Atkins" when the trooper's on the tide,
The troopship's on the tide, my boys, the troopship's on the tide,
O it's "Special train for Atkins" when the trooper's on the tide.

Yes, makin' mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an' they're starvation cheap;
An' hustlin' drunken soldiers when they're goin' large a bit
Is five times better business than paradin' in full kit.
Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, 'ow's yer soul?"
But it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll,
The drums begin to roll, my boys, the drums begin to roll,
O it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll.

We aren't no thin red 'eroes, nor we aren't no blackguards too,
But single men in barricks, most remarkable like you;
An' if sometimes our conduck isn't all your fancy paints,
Why, single men in barricks don't grow into plaster saints;
While it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, fall be'ind",
But it's "Please to walk in front, sir", when there's trouble in the wind,
There's trouble in the wind, my boys, there's trouble in the wind,
O it's "Please to walk in front, sir", when there's trouble in the wind.

You talk o' better food for us, an' schools, an' fires, an' all:
We'll wait for extry rations if you treat us rational.
Don't mess about the cook-room slops, but prove it to our face
The Widow's Uniform is not the soldier-man's disgrace.
For it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Chuck him out, the brute!"
But it's "Saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot;
An' it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' anything you please;
An' Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool -- you bet that Tommy sees!

Vacation Comparison

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has put together a graph showing how advanced economies compare on paid vacation days.

Here's the graph:


On this Sunday morning, having listened to what Calvin Trillin calls the "Sabbath gasbags," I am reminded of Jesus' words when he was admonished for healing someone on the Sabbath: "The Sabbath is made for man, not man for the Sabbath."

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Bob Fletcher, American Hero

We've probably all seen Spencer Tracy in "Bad Day at Black Rock." If not, we should have.

The internment of Americans of Japanese descent is one of the more disgraceful events of World War II. Many loyal Americans lost their property during their internment.

But Bob Fletcher, an American who knew injustice when he saw it, saved the farms of three hard working Japanese families. His obituary in the Sacramento Bee tells the story. He kept the families from suffering the fate of the Japanese in the Spencer Tracy movie.

Bob Fletcher was just one man. He couldn't right all the injustice of all the interned families. But he did what he could where he was with the tools at hand.

No more can be asked of anyone.

Remembering Weegee

The New York Times reported yesterday that on Thursday the Chicago Sun-Times fired all of its photographic staff. Twenty-eight employees. Their crime: not only did they commit photo journalism, they insisted on being paid.

Apparently the scheme is to get their writers to take snapshots for the paper with cheap digital cameras and also get photos from the public.

With the demise of Life and Look magazines and the use of national inserts in newspapers rather than locally produced rotogravure, the public's awareness of photo journalism has itself been in decline.

Photo journalism is a craft. It shows the world to the public and the public to the world. It is not an unskilled profession.

One of the most skilled practitioners, Henri Cartier-Bresson, described the task as that of capturing "the decisive moment." This obviously applies to sports photography, but less obviously to other events as well.

As I pondered the event, I was reminded of Weegee. That was his pen name (or stage name, I don't know), but he was a well known free lance photographer in New York City. His photos, published on this web site, give a feel for what a working photographer could do. He showed us to each other in all our human guises.

He worked, by the way, mostly at night, with a 4x5 press camera and disposable flash bulbs for lighting. Developed and printed the photos himself in a darkroom as the sun rose. Primitive equipment. But it did the job.

There were many other skilled photographers in the genre. Dorothea Lange, Margaret Bourke-White, Alfred Eisenstadt, the list goes on. Browse the works of Weegee and enjoy.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Rude Awakening

How would you like to be awakened by an airplane landing in your living room?

It happened in Herndon, Virginia. Fortunately, it was a small airplane and no one was killed.

Still and all, pretty unsettling.

Economists And Politics

Today's New York Times tells the story of the political travails of Russian economist Sergei Guriev. Guriev, a prominent Russian economist who frequently advised former President Medvedev, apparently incited suspicions of Russian authorities when he co-authored a report by experts critical of the prosecution of Russian oil tycoon Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky.

Khodorkovsky, who acquired great oil wealth after the breakup of the Soviet Union, has been imprisoned since 2005 and is being investigated for further charges. Khodorkovsky apparently made the mistake of directly challenging Putin. He has now joined a long line of Russians and Soviet citizens who ran afoul of authorities, back to the time of Ivan Grozny (Ivan the Terrible) and even earlier in Russian history.

In Soviet years, the capture and prosecution of Khodorkovsky would certainly have counted as one of the most significant "show" trials.

Economist Guriev, very well connected in Russian political circles, especially the entourage of Medvedev, may have made an error in judgement by criticizing any aspect of the trial.

The phenomenon of economists getting entangled too closely with politics is not only a problem in Russia. My economics professor in graduate school, George N. Halm, made the error of giving the Nazi regime advice they didn't want to hear right after Hitler came to power. Professor Halm deemed it advisable to flee to the United States, where he became a noted professor of economics.

Guriev has found refuge at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, a university in Paris. As the French say, "plus ca change, plus c'est le meme chose."

To paraphrase a thought from Tolstoy, "Authoritarian regimes are all alike; each free country is free in its own way."

War With The Newt

Yesterday Paul Krugman (and friends) debated with Newt Gingrich (and friends) in Toronto. In some respects it sounds like a case of "rounding up the usual suspects." Still, I wish I had seen it live.

Here is Krugman's own report of the event, augmented by comments from some who did watch and even some who attended.