Thursday, December 10, 2015

Benito Mussolini: Trump Look Alike

Il Duce

Some commentators (e.g. Dana Milbank of the Washington Post) have recently compared Donald Trump to the founder of European Fascism, Benito Mussolini.

Those of us old enough to remember World War II newsreels, are struck by the resemblance of Trump's body language when addressing a crowd to that of Mussolini.

Here, for example, is a film from that era showing Mussilini's rise to power:

Note the resemblance between Trump's hair and Mussolini's helmet. Or, for that matter, note the similar visual effect of Trump's baseball cap to that of Mussolini's helmet.

Watch the movie of Mussolini's speech. Looks just like Trump's delivery.


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Oriental Town Board Meeting

Last night's Town Board meeting saw the swearing in of one new commissioner, Allen Price, and the swearing in of our new mayor, Sally Belangia. Sally becomes our first woman to be sworn in as mayor. She wields her gavel well, and has a voice of authority.

I wish our new additions well.