Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Infallibility Of Generals

The White House Spokesman has admonished the press not to challenge anything said by a four-star Marine General, no matter how inaccurate it may be.


Generals are not infallible.

I know that is true, not because of something I have read, but because in my three decades of service, I often challenged generals and admirals when I disagreed with them, which was fairly often. Not only was I never thrown out of their offices, I was usually invited back. They valued my advice.

I gave them my best advice, whether they welcomed it or not, because it was my job.

Just as it is the job of the press - a job protected by the US Constitution - to uncover and report the truth.

General Dunford, USMC understands that and did a really superb job yesterday responding to the press about what happened in Niger.

Good for him.

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